What better way to learn about shapes than to go out and find some in our own environment? A group from the Rainbow Room went on a shape hunt in the school’s nature area and were excited to find lots of examples of shapes in the real world. They even took the photos themselves and we think that they did a good job as “detective photographers”. Great work finding all these shapes and more. We think that your photos are super and have made them into a display in the Maths area of the Rainbow Room.
Tag: Successful Learners
Rhymes And Stories
The theme at Thursday’s “Rhyme and Story” session was spiders. Parents and children enjoyed sharing words beginning with S, listening to a special Incy Wincey spider story, singing/saying spider rhymes and bouncing our spider puppets on our lycra ‘parachute’.
These sessions for Nursery families are run by Mrs. Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Jen Carruthers, Nursery Nurse, who welcome younger siblings too. Please see staff for details if you would like to join them.
Library Day
Word Of The Week
“Emotions” is Word of the Week for the Raindrop Room this week while the Rainbow Room will focus on “floating” and “sinking”.
Thank You Mr. Irving
The children in the Rainbow Room enjoyed the visit by Mr. Irving, from the fire service, just as much as those in the Raindrop Room and were particularly interested in his equipment. Thank you so much to Mr. Irving for taking the time to visit us to talk about fire safety.
Staying Safe
We would like to say a huge thank you to Mr. Irving from the fire service who came in on Guy Fawkes Day to talk to the children about his job and staying safe near fire. He very kindly brought the fire car along with him and some little uniforms for the children to try out so they certainly had an exciting morning. We were pleased to hear that Mr. Irving was impressed with the children’s knowledge about safety. I wonder if they can tell their families at home about how to stay safe near fire?
Pumpkin Investigation
The Raindrop Room children investigated the contents of a pumpkin last week as they planned to decorate it for Hallowe’en. With various options of facial features, the children used tally marks to have their say about their preferences then took turns to empty the pumpkin contents and discuss their findings before their pumpkin was carved.
Problem Solvers
One of the most popular experiments that the Rainbow Room children have enjoyed has been making slime and, in the true spirit of experiments, their efforts did not always work. They listened well to follow instructions then made their observations once they started playing with the slime and realised that they needed to make changes. Sometimes it was too runny, other times too crumbly so they tried a few different methods before they were happy with the end result. This was a great learning experience and the children proved themselves to be good little problem solvers as they tried to make their experiment work.
Our Community
Visits out in to our local community are always popular with the children and those in the Raindrop Room had several walks out towards the end of term to find out about our local shops and businesses. They found out about the buildings on our High Street and took a trip to Tesco where they were very excited to have a look at the Hallowe’en displays. Learning how to pay at the self-serve till and the decision about where to put their tokens was all part of the experience.
Great Little Scientists
The children love simple science experiments and are learning to make predictions about what will happen then observe closely to see if they were correct. Here a small group carried out their experiment independently, putting raisins in lemonade to see if they would sink or float and were very excited to observe the changes they saw. As the bubbles of carbon dioxide stuck to the raisins they floated in the lemonade and the children were amazed when the some of the bubbles popped, causing the raisins to sink. They tested this little experiment several times before all the gas was used up and wanted to try out this experiment over and over again. What great little scientists they are!