The Rainbow Room have ‘fairy’ as their “Word of the Week” while the Raindrop Room will focus on the term ‘mental health’.
Tag: Successful Learners
Visit From Shelter
What an enjoyable visit we had today from Julie and Kerry-Anne from Shelter where they shared information about how they help local families who are experiencing difficulties around homelessness. Our children showed themselves to be responsible citizens and were able to identify how we can help families in need by donating items such as non-perishable foods, toiletries, books and toys. Should you wish to support Shelter you can pop your gifts in the box at Nursery.
Burns Snack
The children in the Raindrop Room enjoyed a great taste of Scotland for their Burns Day snack – haggis, tatties, neeps, oatcakes, shortbread and, of course, Irn Bru were on the menu for snack. It was great to see some children trying foods for the first time and even surprising themselves when they liked them.
Happy Birthday Robert Burns
With much of their recent learning having focussed on Scotland and Scottish traditions, the children in the Rainbow Room participated in a little celebration for Burns Day. The haggis was piped in (courtesy of Youtube) as the children marched behind it and we listened to a little of the “Address to the Haggis” as we sat down to enjoy our special Burns snack at tables covered with tartan made by the children. We all raised our glasses of Irn Bru in a toast to wish Robert Burns a ‘Happy Birthday’ and enjoyed a taste of haggis, tatties, neeps, tattie scones, oatcakes and cheese. Everyone seemed to enjoy the occasion and even those who were a little unsure to try new foods had smiles on their faces at our little gathering.
Visit From Gordon
As part of our learning about Scotland, we had a visit from Gordon who works at local shop, Glendinnings. He arrived in his full Highland attire and talked to the children about the various aspects of his outfit. Gordon showed us three big books of tartan samples and we were able to search for tartans belonging to some of our families which was exciting for the children as several of them could be found. Thank you very much to Gordon for his time and patience in helping the children learn about tartan.
The Rainbow Room children having been looking at tartan and creating their own in the art area and on the Promethean board, just like those in the Raindrop Room.
Word Of The Week
Our “Word of the Week” focus this week in both rooms will be on the phrase “Chinese New Year” as the children begin to understand what this celebration means around the world.
Penguin Parade
While discussing winter weather, the children in the Rainbow Room spent time talking about animals which live in snowy lands, leading to this wonderful collection of penguins being created in the art area. We loved them so much that we made a penguin display in the school corridor to share with everyone in our school.
Scotland And Scottish Traditions
With Burns Day approaching, the children have been learning about Scotland and Scottish traditions. In the Raindrop Room they have been trying on kilts, creating tartan using various media and enjoying the stories of Hairy Maclary. Some have even made their own stories about Hairy Maclary and his friends. Have a look at our display in the corridor to get a feel for what the children have been doing.
We would like to share a selection of their work. Click then click again on photos to see the detail of their stories and artwork.
Gymnastics Skills
As the school hall is available to us again for a Friday session, we are providing the opportunity for the children to develop their gymnastics skills. Initially the children in the Rainbow Room will be enjoying this experience then later in the term those in the Raindrop Room will spend a few weeks having weekly visits. This gallery shows the children getting back in the swing of some fun activities.