The Royal Family Home

With a growing interest in castles developing recently in the Raindrop Room, the children decided to make their own castle for the role play area. Making a castle can be hard work but they rose to the challenge and worked together as a team to create their walls, a door and a flag. The next stage was to make crowns as everyone wanted to be a king, queen, prince or princess and, as you can see, this was a popular activity. Before we knew it, the role play area was busy with our very own royal family taking turns on the throne and discussing what royalty do all day. The children certainly seemed pleased with the end result of all their hard work.

Our Local Community

As part of learning about our local community and the people who work in it, this group of children from the Raindrop Room investigated what shops were on Annan High Street and what they could buy there. Of course, our local community includes the park near our Nursery so they all enjoyed a little time there on their journey back and, as you can see, everyone seemed to have a great time.

Steam Train

Many of the children in Nursery are interested in trains and our train set is one of our most popular resources so when we heard that a steam train would be passing through Annan at the end of last week we decided to try to catch a glimpse of it. Some of the children went a walk to Annan station and some watched for the train from the playground and we were not disappointed when it sped past looking very impressive.

Click then click again on photos to see more clearly.

Police Station Take Two

Just as with the Raindrop Room, the children from the Rainbow Room made us very proud with their super behaviour and good listening on their recent visit to the police station. We hope that the children remember the message from P.C. Leggett that police officers are people who can help them.
Thank you again to all those parents who made our trip out possible. You helped the children to have a great experience.

Police Station

This week’s visit to the police station was a great learning experience. We were shown round the cells as well as the rooms in the police station used for interviews and fingerprinting and we found out what happens when someone is brought in to the police station. Some of the children tried out the hard beds and, although they thought it was great fun to try them out, most agreed that they would not like to sleep there.
The police van, of course, was very popular and most had a turn at sitting in the front and the back of the van. The blue light and siren caused great excitement although some had to cover their ears, the noise was so loud.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to P.C. Leggett for making us feel so welcome. These photos provide a taste of the Raindrop Room visit. We will post photos of the Rainbow Room visit soon.

Fire Station Take Two

As promised, here is a gallery of photos from the Raindrop Room’s visit to the fire station last week. Just as with the Rainbow Room, we were very proud of the good listening and talking from our children as well as their super behaviour. Thank you to everyone who helped to make this a great outing for our children.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

Fire Station

As part of learning about jobs in our community, the children had trips out this week to visit the fire station. They got a close up view of the equipment in a fire engine, as well as the fire officer’s uniform, and put their hands to their ears as the blue lights and siren were turned on. Of course, no visit to the fire station is complete without getting an opportunity to sit up in the fire engine and try out the big hose which was great highlight for everyone.
As well as learning about a firefighter’s job, we had a great team teaching the children about road safety through role play. The children showed themselves to be knowledgeable and certainly followed the rules of road safety on the walk to and from the fire station.
Huge thanks go to all the fire team who looked after us and made our visit such fun as well as to the parents who accompanied us – without parent helpers these trips out would not be possible. We hope that you enjoy these photos of the Rainbow Room children and will post photos soon of the Raindrop Room’s visit.

Signs Of Spring

Some of the children from the Raindrop Room paid a visit to the school nature area recently. Armed with clipboards, pictures and a lot of excitement they headed off to look for signs of Spring. The children were delighted to find the beginnings of Spring in evidence, finding some daffodils and buds on plants, but we think that the weather needs to get a little warmer before we can say it really feels like Spring.

Weather Watch

Weather watching is very popular in both rooms in our Nursery. Wind socks, thermometers and rain gauges are checked on a daily basis and the children’s findings are recorded. The children have used the camera to record evidence on their equipment and have begun to record temperatures on charts, developing independence, taking on responsibilities and developing their numeracy skills.

Rainbow Pet Shop

It’s been all go in the Rainbow Room’s pet shop in the past week or two. The children decided what kind of shop they would like and, as this was the most popular choice, they discussed what we needed to make a good pet shop. They certainly came up with lots of great suggestions and everyone has loved visiting it.

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