Signs Of Spring

Some of the children from the Raindrop Room paid a visit to the school nature area recently. Armed with clipboards, pictures and a lot of excitement they headed off to look for signs of Spring. The children were delighted to find the beginnings of Spring in evidence, finding some daffodils and buds on plants, but we think that the weather needs to get a little warmer before we can say it really feels like Spring.

Book Fair Visit

Some of the children paid a little visit to the Book Fair in school this week and enjoyed having a look at all the super books on display. It was great to see the children enthusiastic about stories and some told their families about the books they were interested in. Well done boys and girls for your super behaviour and manners in the wider school environment.

Ten Station Fitness Challenge

To celebrate Hecklegirth’s achievement, the school will be presented with a Gold Sports Award by a representative of Sport Scotland tomorrow, Monday 3rd December. The whole school will then be having an afternoon of fun sports activities to celebrate our achievement.
As part of this, afternoon Nursery children will take part in a Ten Station Fitness Challenge in the playground with Primary 1. We would ask that children come with warm clothes and coats as we will all be going outdoors to take part. Let’s hope that the rain stays away to help us have a fun time with Primary 1.

Special Visitors

Hecklegirth had some exciting visitors last week when the Riding of the Marches principals arrived to see everyone. Here are some of the children waiting with the rest of the school to see the principals and their horses. Three of our pupils also had a lovely surprise when they were presented with medals for the Riding of the Marches Nursery ‘Design a Flag’ competition. Well done all of you.
We hope that the weather stays fine for Riding of the Marches and that you all have a lovely family day out if participating on Saturday.

School Lunch

Last week Hecklegirth families joined their children to sample a school lunch in preparation for the move to Primary 1 in August. Macaroni cheese or delicious rolls were on offer and tasty looking ice cream and yoghurts for dessert seemed to go down well with most children. Hopefully everyone is now looking forward to their school lunches when they come to Primary 1 in August.

School Sports

Joshua and Nancy’s family enjoyed the photos of the children practising for their Fun Activity Day.
“Nancy enjoyed practicing for sports day very much 😀.”

“Joshua loved practicing for sports day. He was pleased he got to join in the p1 race. He told us all about  it at home 😊 x”

The children did seem to enjoy all the practising on the school field and it was lovely for those moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth to be able to join in the school sports for a race and to cheer on their family and friends in their races. Here are a few photos of them at the school sports. Well done all of you for showing great confidence in a new situation.

Fit And Healthy

Just like the afternoon children, those in the morning session started off Health Week with several laps of walking round the school grounds. It was lovely to have some of the Primary 6 buddies supporting them on their journey and the drinks station was a great addition on such a warm day. Well done everyone for a super effort to keep fit and healthy.

Health Week Challenge

Health Week is well and truly underway and the sunshine seemed to know that we had some outdoor fun planned for today. It was a gorgeous day for our initial challenge of walking round the school field and playground to begin our keep fit campaign and the children measured up to the challenge, walking round the circuit several times. Here is a taster of some of the children striding out in the afternoon session. More photos will follow as the week progresses.

Thumbs Up

It seems that our potential Primary 1 children have been enjoying their time in Miss Campbell’s class as they gave her a ‘thumbs up’ at the end of a recent visit. Two of their families also left lovely comments.

“Brooke has loved her first couple of visits to primary 1, she hasnt stopped talking about it and is so looking forward to starting big school. It’s nice to see how confident she is in the classroom setting”

It’s fab to see all the children enjoyed visiting the P1 classroom. Joshua is very excited & looking forward to primary after the summer 😊.”

We have more visits planned to Primary 1 and the Primary 6 buddies will be taking the children back to the playground so lots to look forward to.

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