Friday was Big Pedal Fun Day for everyone at Hecklegirth as the children brought bikes and scooters to participate in great fun activities in the school playground under the guidance of some super volunteers. Despite the chilly weather, the children showed great confidence and enthusiasm to try out the challenges set for them. Thank you to everyone who helped to organise this event and gave up their own time. The children had super fun and experienced a great way to keep fit and healthy.
Here are the morning children in action. Photos of the afternoon children will follow in the next day or two.
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Tag: Responsible Citizens
Leah and Enid have been talking to their families at home about planting seeds this week.
“Leah told us all about planting her seed in compost. She helped her papa plant his his tomato 🍅 plants this week too. She really enjoyed gardening”
“Enid told me all about how she had been planting seeds, she looks every bit the professional in this photo.”
Well done Enid and Leah for sharing your learning at home. You both did very well with your planting. Let’s hope that your seeds start to grow and good luck to Leah’s Papa for his tomato plants. I wonder which will grow bigger, the sunflower or the tomatoes?
Big Pedal Fun Day
We would like to remind you that our Big Pedal Event which has been running for almost two weeks will come to a conclusion tomorrow, Friday 4th May, with a Fun Day. All classes, including Nursery, have been timetabled to take part in cycling events with Annan Cycling Club and Katie Robinson, I Bike Officer. For those who returned the reply slip, a cycling breakfast will also be available for those who cycle or scoot to school that day.
Please remember to bring your bike or scooter tomorrow to take part in the fun activities.
Big Pedal Start
Chats Round The Fire
Brooke’s family has been enjoying the photos of the children making toast outdoors:
“Wow, what a great idea, looks like all the kids enjoyed toasting their own snack and all looked like they knew how to keep themselves safe, well done everyone. Can tell Brooke enjoyed it by that big smile on her face 😀 xx”
It’s funny how the toast tastes so much better made on the fire. The children certainly love doing this and have such great chats round the fire.
Outdoor Snack
Come rain, wind or sun everyone loves a fire in the Nursery garden and it is even better when we have a little snack to cook. One chilly day towards the end of last term a few children suggested that we could warm up outdoors by setting a camp fire so that is exactly what we did.
We all had to think about the wind direction that day as it was quite blowy but the children soon worked out the best seats to avoid smoke in their faces and to stay safe. This little group was well rewarded with some delicious toast cooked on the fire. Great teamwork all of you, working out how to stay safe and helping each other to make your toast and spread it.
Road Safety
As part of our recent learning experience at Annan fire station, the children learned about staying safe out and about in our community. As well as finding out about the job of a fire officer, they took on the roles of different vehicles, as well as a police officer and lollipop person, to help them work out the safe way to make a journey. Jane and Jamie were very impressed with the children’s knowledge and we were pleased to hear that they had listened so well to advice from their families and Nursery staff about staying safe.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Visit To Primary 6
As promised, here are the photos of the afternoon children enjoying singing with our Primary 6 buddies. Well done Primary 6 for providing the Nursery children with a lovely learning experience. We look forward to seeing you again soon in Nursery.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.
Visit To “The Big School”
Instead of our usual walk with the Primary 6 buddies on Monday, we had a lovely invitation to visit them in their classroom this week. After a long climb up the big stairs, which everyone found very exciting, we finally arrived on the top floor of the school and found Primary 6 all ready for us in a big circle. We joined them in the circle and had great fun learning several songs with our buddy friends.
Here are the morning children having a great time with Primary 6. We have photos from our afternoon visit too which we will post soon. Thank you so much to Primary 6 and Mr. Stevenson for taking the time to plan such a fun activity for us and for making our little children feel so welcome. They were all very excited about their visit to “the big school”.
Buddy Training
As you know, our Primary 6 pupils have been spending time building relationships with the Nursery children over the past few months. To help them develop their skills, Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has done some buddy training with them recently to ensure that they are confident in supporting the younger children. It was reassuring to see these older children taking their duties so seriously as they discussed varying possible scenarios and how they should behave in different situations. We think that we have a super group of children in Primary 6 who are showing maturity and responsibility in their roles in Nursery. Thank you Eileen for your help and thank you Primary 6 for all your thoughtful ideas.