We’re Going on a Fruit Hunt

Last week was “Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week” and it was great for Nursery to take part in lots of activities organised by Mrs. Johnston and Primary 6. Here you can see the Fruit Hunt organised by two Primary 6 pupils who hid a variety of fruit tokens in the Nursery garden for the children to find. They then had to work together to put the fruit in the correct hoops according to colour. Everyone had great fun especially when the wind blew them out of the hoops and we had to catch them again. Thank you so much to Primary 6 for taking time to organise a fun activity for us. We all thoroughly enjoyed it and loved taking part in “Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week”.

Fire Fighting Fun

The afternoon children got their visit from Ian, the fire fighter, this week to help them find out about his job and how to stay safe in a fire. As you can see from the photos, they enjoyed the visit as much as the morning children, especially when Ian had them escaping from the fire by crawling along the ground. We think that by the end of the visit the children were very clear on what they should do in the event of a fire. Thank you again, Ian. We appreciate you taking the time to teach the children in such a fun way.

Growing Families

Lots of children and their families have been taking part in the growing project organised by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. They have enjoyed the story of “Oliver’s Vegetables”, made placemats, planted cress and made scarecrows with wooden spoons. Now some of the children have gone home with bags to grow carrots and onions which should be interesting and before you know it, we will have raised beds in the Nursery garden to grow our own vegetables. We look forward to the Sunshine Room and the Rainbow Room having a raised bed each. I wonder which room will grow the most vegetables?
Thanks Eileen for your great ideas and organisation as always. We look forward to the next stage of our growing project.

Red Nose Day

Thank you to everyone who contributed to Red Nose Day today. The Nursery did very well to raise £60.45 towards the school collection. Next week we will have a whole school total which will be displayed in the cloakroom area. As you can see, the children seemed to enjoy wearing something different today.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Visit to the Police Station

Rainbow morning children’s recent visit to the police station was a fantastic learning experience. PC Leggat showed us round the cells, which seemed to be the highlight for many, as well as the different areas of the police station used for interviews, CCTV and fingerprinting. Some of the children thought it was good fun to close the door on the cell but most agreed that they would not like to sleep there. The police van was very popular and PC Leggat was so patient at letting everyone try out the blue light, the siren and sitting in the back of the van. He even tried to answer tricky questions such as “How do you be good?” which got us all thinking.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to everyone at the police station, especially PC Leggat, for making us feel so welcome. PC Leggat praised the children on their excellent behaviour so well done to you all. The Sunshine morning children and the afternoon children from both rooms can look forward to their visits soon so that’s something to look forward to.

Good Teamwork

What a busy morning we had in the garden today. A group of children from each room worked so well together to build their own den with planks of wood. Despite being really excited about their construction, they managed to keep very quiet, hiding in it and when Mrs. Carruthers came out to the garden, she jumped up in the air and gave a huge shout when they shouted “Surprise!” Well done everyone for working so well together and for managing to plan the big surprise. What a team!

Library Visit

To celebrate World Book Day last week, we made three visits to Annan Library with different groups. The morning children from the Rainbow Room can be seen here on their outing. For some it was their first visit to the library and for others it was obviously a familiar place. Everyone enjoyed a super selection of stories read by the librarian and the children seemed enthusiastic to revisit the library in the future with their families. We have some application forms to join the library in Nursery so please ask staff if you would like one.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Fantastic Work Neve!

As we continue to learn about our community, Neve decided to design her own street which we’re sure you’ll agree is fantastic. As well as producing a wonderful drawing, she has taken her time to carefully write the names of her buildings. Miss Wilson was as impressed as us and decided that Neve’s work should be displayed on the school achievement board. Well done, Neve! We hope you are as proud of your work as we are.
If you click on the photo you’ll get a better view of Neve’s super street.

Star Award Winners

Well done to this week’s Star Award winners. As always, Miss Wilson was very impressed with our Nursery children. This week two of them received certificates for being helpful and for always trying their best. Well done to you both. We hope your families are proud of you.

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