Hallowe’en Party

Kacey’s Mum left a comment about the Hallowe’en party:

“Kacey had great fun at the party despite the fact that she doesn’t like SCARY masks , it was lovely to see all the childrens different costumes,Kacey informs me there were no scary masks only nice ones!!!”

I’m glad that that Kacey thought all the masks were nice. The costumes were great and it’s lovely to talk to the children about what they’re dressed up as.

Chocolate Sparklers

Callum’s family left us a comment on the recent Family Learning activity:

“Callum and Gran really enjoyed the session. The chocolate sparklers went on daddy’s birthday cake and looked really fab. Thank you Eileen.”

That was lucky for Daddy getting something extra special on his cake. Well done Callum and, of course, Gran.

Design Your Own Feet

As our learning this week and next is focussed around Bonfire Night and Diwali, Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, organised an activity linked to these celebrations.
As Hindus welcome Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, into their homes at Diwali, her tiny footprints are found around the house to show her arrival. The children drew round their feet and produced some wonderfully creative and individual designs on their drawings to represent Lakshmi.
They also worked with their families to make chocolate sparklers which seemed to go down just as well as the sparklers at a bonfire.
Thank you to Eileen for providing a super activity that lots of families were able to enjoy and thanks also for offering extra time slots for those who were not able to make the arranged days. We are sure that everyone had a great time and we look forward to the next Family Learning activity.

Click then click again to get a bigger photo.

A Spider In A Pumpkin

An expert pumpkin carver, in the form of Jade’s Mummy, came in to the Sunshine Room this week to show us her skills. She had already brought two pumpkins for our display but it was great for the children to help her and give her their ideas for a design. As you can see, they were a super help scooping out the seeds and they set her the task of carving a spider in the pumpkin. We think that she did a brilliant job so thank you very much to Jade’s Mummy.

Arcimboldo Art

Emma’s family has been looking at our Arcimboldo work where the children used foods to make portraits:

“Looks like Emma’s having fun!! Wonder how much food went missing during this activity hee hee.”

As you can imagine, we needed close supervision in the art area but the children did really respond well to this activity.

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