Hecklegirth Monsters

We would like to share some of the Hecklegirth monsters that the children recently designed and made at home with their families. Inspired by our discussions of the Loch Ness Monster they have produced some wonderful models and drawings of their own. I wonder what the Loch Ness Monster would think of them?

Family Breakfast

We would like to remind you that the Family Breakfast event will be held tomorrow, 5th February, for the children and their families from the Sunshine Room. If you returned the slip to say that you plan to attend, this will be in the school dinner hall at 9.00 for morning children and 2.30 for those in the afternoon. Rainbow Room children and their families will take part on Friday, 6th February, at the same times. We look forward to seeing you all then.

Celebrating Our Learning About Scotland

Several parents have been enjoying our posts about Burns and learning about Scotland.

Lewis’ Mum said, “What a lovely photo!! All looking very smart in their tartan! I was so sorry that I couldn’t manage to attend the Burns Day event, but was over the moon that Lewis’ Dad recorded it for me! All the children sang beautifully and I was very proud of Lewis!”

Savannah’s Mum was pleased with the photo of her on the day of our Burns celebration: “Lovely pic xx”

We also had a comment from Summer’s Mum who said, “Summer is loving her time at Nursery and the topic just now about Scotland!”

The children certainly seemed to have responded well to learning about Scotland and they did us proud on the day of our Burns celebration.

Well Done

We have some lovely comments in response to the post showing our most recent certificate winners:

“Well done Joe !!”

 Well done on receiving a certificate for good manners and behaviour, keep up the good work and enjoy your time at nursery
Love  Great Auntie Sue xx”

 “Well done to all It was so nice that Zuzana has recived certificate in last week. She was realy happy. We are so proud of her. Thank you so much to all teachers for great work.”

It sounds that, like us, your families are very proud of you. Keep up the good work.

Learning About Scotland

Sophie’s Mum enjoyed the children’s performance for Burns Day:

“The children all sang really well today. It also looks like they enjoyed sampling some Scottish treats.”

Kacey’s family also left us a comment about our learning about Burns:

“Kacey has been talking about rabbie burns and singing the songs she learned at nursery at home.”

Thank you for taking time to leave us a comment. The children have responded well to learning about Scotland and we thought they did well to learn their songs in such a short space of time.

Happy Start

Finlay’s Mum’s been looking at the recent photos of our new children who started last week:

“Finlay is loving nursery. Every day he is so excited to go and comes home loving his morning at nursery. He seems to have settled in so well.”

We are glad that Finlay has made such a happy start to Nursery life and hope that he continues to enjoy all the activities.

Having Fun

Two of our families have been enjoying the photos of Christmas time and the start of the new term:

“Lewis really enjoyed all the Christmas festivities at nursery – thank you!”

We did have a lovely few weeks in the run-up to Christmas – it’s nice to hear that Lewis enjoyed everything.

Jayden has appeared on the blog for the first time and his family enjoyed seeing him busy in Nursery:

“Jayden looks like he is really enjoying nursery! I bet hes ordering a Chinese he was really excited to see his picture from nursery on here x”

Hopefully you will see yourself on the blog again Jayden. I wonder what you were ordering from the Chinese?

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