Growing and Planting

To link in with our learning in Nursery, growing and planting was the theme for a recent Family Learning activity led by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. The children and their families enjoyed a range of activities which included cress planting and a paper plate craft activity to show the life cycle of a butterfly.
Eileen’s next Family Learning days are already planned for the 8th and 9th June when she will share ideas for skills for school. All parents/carers are welcome regardless of which school your child will be moving to. Please add your name to the notice board in the corridor if you would like to join Eileen and other parents/carers. Thank you, as always, to Eileen for offering these super opportunities for everyone.

Well Done

Emma’s Mum left us a comment about our Fun Activity Day:

“Emma had a great time and enjoyed all the practicing on the run up to the sports. Was very proud of her medal too. Well done to everyone who organised and helped the kids.”

It was lovely to see the children all working so well together and to have so many adults cheering them on. Thanks to everyone for joining in despite chilly weather.

Great Teamwork

Like the morning children, the afternoon children participated in our Fun Activity Day with great enthusiasm. They worked well in their teams and displayed good skills and motivation to do their best. Thank you again to everyone who came along to cheer the children on – we all appreciate your support.

Click then click again for bigger photos.

Tesco Take Two

Just like the morning children, the afternoon children thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Miss Kerr even tried her hand at pancake making and did a very good job. Thank you again to Tesco for such an informative visit and to all the parents who accompanied us on our visit – we really appreciate it.
Click then click again for a clearer view of the photos.

Happy Families

Two of our parents have left us comments.

Fay’s Mum said, “Fay is enjoying getting to know her new Buddy Megan, especially playing together in the big playground.”

Those buddies certainly are doing a good job. They really looked after the children well in the big playground.

Paulina’s Mum and Dad loved the photo of her with her certificate and left her a message:

“We are proud of you:) “

We are all proud of you too Paulina. Well done!

Family Growing Activity

We would like to remind everyone of the Family Learning growing activity next week.
On Monday (11.5.15) there are sessions at 9-10, 10.45-11.45 and 12.15-1.15.
There are two afternoon sessions on Tuesday (12.5.15) at 12.15-1.15 and 2.15-3.15.
Finally on Thursday (14.5.15) there is a morning session at 9-10.
If you have not signed up yet, there are spaces available in some of the slots – you can add your name to the notices in the corridor leading to the Rainbow Room cloakroom. We look forward to seeing lots of families joining in with Eileen’s super activities.


Niamh’s family is delighted with her recent award:

“Niamh was so pleased to get her certificate. We are very proud of her and she has put it in her “memories” book to look back on as she grows up.”

What a lovely idea to have a “memories” book – it’s nice to think that Niamh will have her certificate to look back on her time in Nursery. I wonder what other people do if they get a certificate?

Buddy Letters

As promised, here are some photos of the Primary 6 buddies in the Sunshine Room meeting the Nursery children and some of their families when they came to deliver their introductory letters. Thank you for all your super work Primary 6 – we are sure that our parents appreciate your efforts. We look forward to you taking the Nursery children to the playground soon.
Click then click again to make the photos bigger.

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