Holiday Fun

It was lovely to hear from one of our families in the holidays. They have been looking at our photos of the children making bug hotels.

“The kids look like they have had loads of fun making mini beast homes. Letti, Oscar and Harli made ‘bug boxes’ last week with Dad for our back garden.”

This sounds like great fun to do at home. I wonder how many minibeasts will come to live in your boxes? We are looking forward to seeing what has happened to our bug hotel when we return to Nursery.


Thank you to those who have returned our evaluation questionnaires as well as the children’s flower sheets. We greatly value your input and will collate your responses to guide the development of our Nursery.
We ask that those who have not yet done so, please return these sheets as soon as possible since we add the flower sheets to each child’s special book before they are sent to Primary 1 which for some is in a different school so takes time to arrange. Thank you for your support.


Enid’s family has been looking of the photos of the Primary 6 buddies meeting our children’s families:

“Really lovely to have the opportunity to meet Enids buddy Katy, Enid is very fond of her. I think it’s a great idea to buddy the nursery children up with a P6 pupil, I think it will really help Enid settle into school.”

Thank you for your kind comment. We are certainly very impressed with our buddies and think that they will make a big difference to the children as they move to Primary 1.

Meet The Parents

Our Primary 6 buddies very kindly took the time to write letters to their Nursery child’s family so that they know a little about them and they have recently introduced themselves to their parents/carers. We hope that this has eased a few of the worries you may have had about your child moving to Primary 1 and that you enjoy sharing the letters with your children. We thought that we would share a few photos of everyone meeting each other.
Thank you Primary 6 children for doing a super job. You certainly are responsible citizens and effective contributors!

Barbecue Tickets

Hecklegirth Fundraisers are holding a barbecue on Friday 8th June from 6.00 to 8.00. Tickets are £2 each and entitle each person to entry and their first burger or sausage on a roll. Please return your form to request tickets by Thursday 31st May. Please remember that entry to this event will be by ticket only and there will be no tickets sold on the night. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.

Proud Mummy And Daddy

Joshua’s family is delighted with his recent certificate:

“My wee dude was so pleased when he got his certificate. He was smiling all weekend & telling everybody. He was a very proud boy & Mummy & Daddy were proud too. Well done Joshi 😍☺ “

It’s lovely to hear how proud Joshua and his family are feeling. Very well done Joshua! Keep up the great work.

Fit To Learn?

Do you have problems getting your child to sleep? Do you know how much sleep young children need and how important sleep is for their development?
Why not come along to our “Fit To Learn?” workshops in the school dinner hall this Thursday 24th May, between 2.00 and 4.00 to learn a little more? These are drop-in workshops so you do not have to be there at 2.00. Mr. Palmer, our Depute Head, and Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, will be there and children can accompany their parents/carers so you may want to drop in after our Fun Activity Day?

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