Pine Cones And Acorns

Evelyn’s family has been looking at the photos of the children who have found signs of Autumn with their families.

“Evelyn was so happy to show everyone the pine cones and acorns she found on the way to nursery that day. She loves collecting them, I find them everywhere haha x”

Well done Evelyn! It sounds like you have been very busy.

Conkers And Pine Cones

Tilly’s family has been looking at the photos of the children with all the signs of Autumn that they have been collecting with their families.

“Tilly loved seeing her photo on the blog and showing it to her sister! She loves collecting conkers and pine cones at nana’s house, we have a huge collection!!”

Well done Tilly for bringing your nature finds to add to our display. I wonder what else you might find in the holidays?

Confident Individuals

We hope that today’s meeting about the new Nursery meal menu and taster session was helpful. Thank you to those who attended, providing an audience for the children who had been learning some Autumn songs. We really appreciate your support and we hope that you enjoyed their performance as much as they seemed to. One of our aims is to develop ‘confident individuals’ and many of our children showed themselves to be exactly that in performing in front of a large audience. Well done girls and boys!

Click then click again on the photos to make them bigger.

Word Of The Week

As the season changes and we begin to learn about Autumn, our “Word of the Week” this week is indeed Autumn. This may be a new word to the children so we will be using it a lot in Nursery and explaining what it means. Hopefully the conversations you have with your child will help to reinforce this learning in Nursery.

Well Done Fern

Fern’s family has been looking at the photo of her receiving her recent certificate:

“Fern was delighted to share her achievement with her family and was very proud of herself. Her confidence at nursery has grown enormously since starting and we now hear lots of stories about nursery and all her friends.”

It’s always lovely to hear that the children appreciate their achievements in Nursery and we are delighted that Fern felt rightly proud of herself. Very well done Fern! We are all impressed with the way you have grown in confidence.

Happy Families

Two of our parents have been enjoying photos of different recent activities in Nursery.

Evelyn’s family said, “looks like Evelyn is doing well in nursery. I love seeing pictures of her and that’s she’s safe near the fire. 🙂 xx “

We are pleased that you like our little snapshots of Nursery life. The children are certainly learning the rules of staying safe near fire and are becoming confident near fire.

Leo’s Mummy was one of those parents who participated in this week’s “Rhyme and Storytime” taster session:

“Leo and mummy had lots of fun at the rhyme session. Look forward to the next one 😊”

It certainly looked like good fun with Eileen. She is checking the times that suited people most and we are hoping that lots of our families will join in with our sessions.

Thank you both for visiting the blog and taking the time to leave us a comment.

Well Done

Nancy’s family has been enjoying our photos.

“Nancy loves dressing up & role-playing. She has so much fun & has a great imagination 😁 x “

“Well done both award winners 😊 . Nancy was so pleased that she got a certificate. She was so proud showing it off & telling everyone. Well done Nancy we are all proud of you 😊 xx”

It’s lovely to hear that Nancy was showing her certificate to everyone and that she was proud of it. We are very proud of all our award winners too.

Rhyme And Storytime

We would like to remind you that, following on from the posters and leaflets that we developed with parents last year, we will hold a taster session of “Rhyme and Storytime” tomorrow, Tuesday 18th September at 9.00 and 12.15. This will be led by Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator and we look forward to seeing you there.
Our posters are displayed in the Nursery so we hope that you can take the time to have a look at them as these key five messages are central to developing your child’s literacy.

Maths Is Everywhere

One of Dumfries and Galloway’s RAiSE (Raising Aspirations in STEM Education) team has been looking at our post about Maths Week Scotland.

“Maths really is everywhere! Love your idea of creating a display of all the shapes and numbers you can find. Please don’t keep it to yourselves – share it on the Full STEM Ahead Yammer group and let other teachers see the great work you’re doing.
Keep up the great maths learning,
Mrs C Moyes
D&G RAiSE Teacher”

We are hoping that the children are still looking for numbers and shapes in our community as we would love examples for our display.

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