Christmas Stay And Bake

For those who have signed up for it, we would like to remind you that tomorrow, Friday 14th December, is our “Christmas Stay And Bake” day. Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has been shopping and the ingredients are ready for you to have a go at a little Christmas baking. We look forward to some delicious smells coming our way.

What Are Schemas?

Parents and practitioners working with young children are often puzzled by some of
their children’s actions.

Why do some children have a fascination with running water and flood the
Have you ever given a present to a child and noticed he/she is more interested in
the box rather than the toy?
Have you ever noticed a child painting themselves or other people?
Have you ever noticed a child paint or draw a lovely picture then cover it
completely in paint?

A schema is seen to be a pattern a child demonstrates through their actions, language  or play. While a child may play with a variety of toys, a pattern may link these  seemingly disassociated activities. Schemas indicate the child’s focus in an activity.  By identifying a child’s schema we can plan learning in ways that most interest them.  We form our schemas during childhood as a way to make sense out of our world.

To read more, click on the link below to learn a little more about your child’s behaviour. This short but informative document has also been added to our blog on the right hand side under “Support Information”. We hope that you find it useful.


Rhyme And Story Time

Tomorrow is Tuesday so it must be time for our Rhyme and Story Family Learning session again. Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has been enjoying working with some of our families and would be happy to have more join her at 9.00 or 12.15 each Tuesday. Here is a little snapshot of the activities they enjoyed the last time they met.

Family Learning Story Time

Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, sent us photos from today’s family activity, saying “We had lots of fun today at our elephant themed story/rhyme time.”
This looks like great fun. Please remember that all are welcome every Tuesday from 9.00 until 9.45 or 12.15 until 1.00, including younger brothers and sisters. Eileen hopes to see you there soon.

Come And Play

As mentioned in our newsletter, we like to invite parents and carers to have fun by staying to play. A grid is displayed in Nursery (on top of the red and blue tray unit) so please add your name if you can join us for a whole or part of a session. The children would love you to be part of our play and what better way to find out the answer to “What did you do in Nursery today?”

Busy Children

Nancy’s family has been looking at recent photos on our blog. She enjoyed our Autumn art work when the children collected leaves to use for printing.
“Nancy loved looking for leaves, she said it was so much fun 😁.  Nancy said that leaf she had was the best, it was “so cool with all the jaggy bits” 😀 ”. Well done to all the children on collecting leaves & very colourful art work 😊 “

They also liked the photo of the children singing their harvest songs: “All the children done very well singing their songs. Well done to you all, we could all tell you all practiced very hard 😊”

There was a great photo of a small group of children pretending that they were on a rollercoaster: “Great imagination Nancy, your expression is what Mummys would be on a rollercoaster 😄 “.

Thank you so much for taking the time to leave comments on our posts. It’s good to know that our families are enjoying looking at the blog.

Hallowe’en Disco

We would like to remind you about our Hallowe’en disco tomorrow 30th October. Nursery children can attend from 6.00 until 7.00 and should have an adult stay with them. Hecklegirth Fundraisers use money raised to support events and buy resources to support all children in our school and Nursery so we hope that they got lots of families joining in this event.
Please remember that the children may dress up for Nursery on Wednesday for Hallowe’en if they wish but this is optional.

Holiday Swimming

We hope that some of you will take advantage of the free holiday swimming sessions for Hecklegirth pupils. The sessions available are:

• family sessions 11.00-1.00 Monday to Friday and 12.30-1.30 on Saturdays and Sundays
• Float Fun sessions 1.30-2.30 Tuesdays and Thursdays
• public sessions 6.00-8.00 on Thursdays and 1.30-4.00 on Saturdays and Sundays

Remember to notify swimming pool staff that you are from Hecklegirth to claim your child’s free swim. Accompanying adults will gain entry for a child’s price. Have fun in the pool everyone.

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