Exploring Outdoors

Most of the children have taken the opportunity to explore the outdoor area in the first two weeks of term so they are learning to change their shoes and put on outdoor suits when they are needed. Some are developing their confidence on the big climbing frame, others have been drawing or exploring our big tubes and tepee. The outdoor area is certainly a very popular place to play.

Den Building

Outdoor play provides great opportunities for the children to develop their creativity and skills with lots of problem solving and teamwork at the heart of much of their learning. This snapshot from one morning shows the children working well together to create their own den, triggering lots of imaginative play which extended to the mud kitchen as meals had to be provided for the family living in the new den. No wonder the children go home tired with all this hard work that they do in a day.

Fizzy Fun

As part of their learning to make predictions and observations in science experiments, these children explored making fizzy potions outdoors. They measured vinegar and washing-up liquid in to a container then decided what to add to make a range of different fountains – various food colourings, stars and glitter were all very popular. As with all good potion mixing, they children had to give their concoction a good stir and a few magic words before adding baking soda to produce an exciting fizzy fountain. As you can imagine, we tried this out several times and used different quantities of ingredients each time to observe what happened. The children showed good focus and made some great comments as they observed the process.

Sophia: it explodes. It’s green. I mixed it.
Jack: I was doing a scientist. I put sugar in it and it makes bubbles. It explodes like a volcano. Mine was yellow bubbles with lots of stars.
Aoife: I’m making a volcano like where the lava comes out.
Letti: I put stars in the mixture. It was really high. The stars came out into there.
Emilia: we add vinegar and washing machine shampoo. It grew really high. It exploded!
Freddie: we used a spoon to mix it. It blows up.
Emily: I’m making an experiment. I’m a scientist. I was making potions. It exploded.
Arthur: I’m making a volcano. It was big and blue. I am a scientist.
Leigha: I’m stirring it with the spoon. It can get out big.

Relaxing Round The Fire

Our outdoor play regularly includes opportunities to sit around a fire where the children love to socialise and, of course, prepare something to eat. One of their favourites are these big marshmallows which are so very sticky once cooked but are certainly delicious. We are looking forward to lots more fires in our outdoor play again next year.

Tennis Time

We have had so many experiences to share from our busy Health Week and here you can see some of the children enjoying a session with Mike, the tennis coach, who provided lots of fun activities to help the children learn control of a tennis ball. They showed great enthusiasm for all the activities, listening well and showing great concentration. Who knows we may have a Wimbledon star of the future here?

Health Week

Health Week has not been blessed with the best of weather but some of the children braved the elements earlier in the week to take part in Anklebiters and a range of Potted Sports activities organised by Primary 6 on the school field. The children listened well to follow instructions and thoroughly enjoyed their experiences. Thank you to all those who provided such fun for the children in Nursery.

Bye Bye Butterflies

After caring for their little butterflies, the children in the Rainbow Room finally released them after observing them so closely from being little caterpillars. Although they did not seem keen to leave us, Miss Kerr gave them a helping hand to settle on our plants in the outdoor area which gave everyone a chance to have a close look at our little butterflies before we waved them goodbye.

Football Fun

Our first activity on Monday in the whole school Health Week was actually led by Aoife’s Daddy. Who better to learn football skills from than a professional footballer and it’s even better if it’s one of our parents? As you can see, the children had great fun and tried their penalty shooting skills against a “real” goalkeeper. Thank you to Aoife’s Daddy – everyone thoroughly enjoyed their time with you.

Click then click again on the photos to get a better view of the goal scorers.

When The School’s Away, The Nursery Will Play

As the rest of the school was on an outing on Friday afternoon, Nursery decided to take the opportunity to let everyone to explore the school field. The children had fun on the timber trail and climbing frames, played football, chatted under the shelter and even found some little ladybirds to investigate. What a great afternoon we all had!

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