Outdoor Shapes

As we have been learning about shape and pattern recently, the children have been keen to form shapes with the materials available outdoors. They have talked together a lot to work out how to make their shapes and some have taken it to a different area of the curriculum by forming some letters. One little boy even managed to make his whole name from twigs and rope. As you can imagine, making a circle was the trickiest shape but the children showed themselves to be good problem solvers and came up with great ideas.

Water Working

While the afternoon children were showing their creative side last week in their outdoor music making, the morning children were talking about measure when playing in the garden. As you can see, they used a range of containers to develop their understanding of the concept of measure as they poured from one vessel to another. Apart from being great fun, the children were being encouraged to develop the language of measure using vocabulary such as full, empty, bigger, smaller, biggest, more than, less than and much more. They enjoyed working out, for example, if one container of water would fill a different container or if it would spill over and good teamwork was shown by all those taking part.

Click then click again to make the photo bigger.

The Garden Band

Whatever the weather, the children love outdoor play and enjoy the opportunity to experiment and learn in so many different ways. On the particular day last week when we captured these photos, they had great fun singing and playing in a band in the garden. As well as using the musical instruments, they managed to make music by being creative with all sorts of materials that they found outdoors.

Dens In The Rain

Regardless of weather, most children love outdoor play and work well together to use the resources available to them. As you can see from these photos, the last day of term brought some very heavy showers which inspired the children to build a den to help them stay dry. They showed great perseverance despite the conditions and were pleased with the shelter that they built.

Camera Skills

The cameras have been very busy outdoors over the past week or two as the children have searched for signs of Autumn in the garden. It was a bit tricky initially to find leaves which were turning colour but, as the days passed, more and more have appeared. As you can see, the children are now confident to use the cameras and enjoyed sharing their findings with their friends.

A Horse’s Palace

Good teamwork worked wonders to build a den in the garden last week. It started out as “a den” then became “a horse’s palace” and finally “a den for horses and people” but everyone seemed quite pleased with the finished product regardless of the name of it. There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing when you’ve made something yourself.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Family Comments

It’s great that you are joining in with our blog. Thank you very much for sending us comments. Two families have enjoyed our outdoor learning photos:

“Kacey looks like she’s having fun.”

“It’s nice to see all the children enjoying the good weather. Callum always says that playing outside is one of his favourite parts of nursery.”

I wonder what other children enjoy best? We’d love it if you left us a comment about their favourite activity. 

Outdoor Learning

Outdoor play continues to be very popular, particularly with the wonderful September weather we have been getting. Some of the children managed to work out how to make their own see-saw and everyone seemed to want a turn. Others enjoyed “buying” their snack at the outdoor shop which was selling cups of water and different types of fruit. Some children simply enjoyed sitting in the willow tunnel for a chat. As you can see, they all look happy and busy in their learning.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Great Fun

Henley’s Mum has been looking at some of our photos outdoors:

“Looks like Henley is having great fun.”

It’s true that the children all seem to love outdoor play. We have been lucky with the weather lately but the children enjoy outdoors in the sunshine, wind or rain and no doubt they will love snow too when it comes.

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