Afternoons Outdoors

Just like the morning children, all of those in the afternoon have been taking the opportunity to enjoy investigating our outdoor area. They experienced their first fire last week when we tried out our new fire pit, which complements our well used fire area, and have particularly enjoyed the climbing frame and mud kitchen area of the garden. Here is a snapshot of some of the afternoon children busy in their play.

Outdoor Exploration

Most of the children have taken the opportunity to explore the outdoor area in the first two weeks of term so they are learning to change their shoes and put on outdoor suits when they are needed. Some are developing their confidence on the big climbing frame, others have been drawing or making delicious meals in the mud kitchen. The outdoor area is certainly a very popular place to play.

Thank You

We would like to say huge thanks to Vicky and Jason Keir, former parents in our Nursery, who kindly donated their double buggy to the Sunshine Room so that they can go out on visits to our community. We are so delighted to now have this opportunity and wasted no time in getting the buggy into action the very next day.
What a great adventure these children had on their initial trip out. First port of call was Tesco to buy a little thank you gift for Vicky and Jason which the children then delivered to them. Along the way they spotted lots of letters and numbers and checked the trees for signs of Autumn which does not appear to be evident just yet in our area. Final stop was at the park where the children enjoyed their snack and some time on the equipment.
Thank you so much to Vicky and Jason for providing the children with this great learning opportunity. We really appreciate your kind generosity.

Incy Wincy Spider

Our younger children from the Sunshine Room love outdoor play and have grown so much in confidence when socialising with some of the older children. Each day brings a new adventure and this week brought an exciting find when they saw a big spider in the garden. We wondered if it may have been sleeping in our bug hotel but it certainly provided a great interest and point of discussion. We just love seeing the wonder on the faces of these young children when they find something new.

Bug Hotel

After doing some home improvements on our fairy garden towards the end of term, the children decided that the minibeasts visiting our outdoor area might like a hotel to stay in on their visits. Our little hedgehog home looked as if it had been used over the past few months but we needed something for the smaller visitors to the garden.
As you can see, the children worked well together to make their minibeast hotel and it was finished off with a beautiful sign. We hope that our little visitors are enjoying their holidays in our garden and look forward to investigating who is living in our hotel when we return to Nursery.

Fairy Garden

After having decided one day to paint our fairy houses, the children were amazed one afternoon towards the end of term to find that a little fairy door had appeared in a corner of our garden. Excited that the fairies must want to live in our garden, some of the children decided to make it look better for them and worked very hard to pull out lots of weeds.
They very carefully hammered the chimneys in the roofs of the newly painted houses and made a little lake for the fairies so that they felt welcome in the corner of the garden. As you can see, the children did a super job preparing the area and we hope that our fairies enjoy the great DIY job that has been carried out on their homes.

Den Building

Making dens develops teamwork, communication and problem solving skills as well as being lots of fun, with the children able to test out their planning and learn from their mistakes when they use their den.
As we reach the end of the year, it is evident that our children have learned so much from developing these skills both indoors and outdoors. Here is an example of their work which was totally led and organised by the children with no adult intervention. They were so proud of their efforts and spent such a long time playing in their den, changing and developing it as different children joined in the play.

Creativity And Imagination

Creativity and imagination are central to the play of our children and we just loved the way this little group created their own picnic table from resources they found outdoors. They worked well as a team, talked about what they needed and then produced some wonderful, imaginative role play for such a long time, making drinks and a variety of different foods as part of their play.

Sunshine P.E.

We love going for P.E. with Mrs. Foster, our P.E. teacher, and she enjoys having the Nursery as part of her school sessions. Usually we do all our learning in the school hall but recently Mrs. Foster has been taking us out into the sunshine to develop our skills which has been a lovely change. Here is one of our sessions where the children are learning to jump and to control a hoop in different ways – what a great fun learning experience!

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