Easter Egg Extravaganza

Eggs that had been transformed into bees, policemen, trains, rabbits … glittery eggs and painted eggs … the variety was amazing in our Easter egg display. Here’s a taster of some of the ideas brought in to Nursery. Well done to everyone who made such a fantastic effort – we loved them all.


Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week brought lots of different competitions which many of you entered. It was great to see your wonderful ideas for a sports person made out of fruit and vegetables, the poster competition and the healthy packed lunch design. Thanks to all the family members who helped the children enjoy these activities at home. We also had certificates for being the best Junior Fire Officer and for giving the best effort at the Keep Fit activity.
Primary 6 were very impressed with the Nursery entries and several children won prizes and certificates. Well done to all who entered and congratulations to those who were winners. Thank you again to Primary 6 for being so organised with awarding your prizes and for making Nursery children feel special.

Hecklegirth Monsters

The Loch Ness Monster was part of our discussions when learning about Scotland and, as a home activity, the children were set the challenge of inventing a Hecklegirth Monster. It’s great to see that so many of you have been talking about this at home and you have produced some super ideas.
Some of the children have chosen to make a Nessie look-a-like and others are quite different. We have drawings and models, some done together with families and some done by the children on their own. We think that they are all wonderful. The children are always so pleased to share what they have done with their families and it helps to make those important links between Nursery and home.
We hope you enjoy our little gallery showing some of the Hecklegirth Monsters. All the monsters can be seen displayed in the corridor and both Nursery rooms.
Click and then double click to get a bigger view of the photos.

Food Pictures

We are glad to see that you’re enjoying the pictures of your favourite foods that you made as a home activity.

Corey’s Mummy sent him a message on his photo, saying “hi corey its mummy that looks really yummy good work -_-“

We agree – Corey’s plate of spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce looks very tasty. Thanks to everyone for helping their children with this activity at home. It’s so valuable to talk about our learning in Nursery at home.

Food, Glorious Food

As part of our learning about the senses, lots of our children took part in our suggested home activity of creating their favourite foods on a paper plate. We have had lots of good discussions about everyone’s ideas of what tastes good and are building up an impressive display in the corridor of the children’s work. Thanks go to all the families who encouraged their children to take part in this activity. We hope you enjoy looking at their ideas.

Shay’s Rhymes

Shay’s obviously doing a super job with his rhyming activity.
His Dad says, “Shay is really enjoying finding lots of words that rhyme and thought up all the items that rhyme that he brought into nursery on his own. Well done Shay.”
Thanks for bringing in your rhymes, Shay and well done for thinking of them yourself.

Rhyme Time

Our recent focus on rhyme, as part of our literacy development, has encouraged the children to listen carefully for rhymes in words. To support their learning in Nursery, we suggested a home activity to bring in items that rhyme to show their group. This has been good fun as the children have begun to think about and hear rhyming sounds. Well done to those who brought in examples for our display. We hope you enjoyed this activity and that your ears are now becoming tuned to those special sounds.

Beautiful Butterflies

There have been some beautiful butterflies appearing in Nursery this week as everyone has been having fun decorating them at home with their families. What a lot of fantastic ideas you all have! Some children used glue and collage materials, some painted or used crayons and one even used his feet to paint his butterfly. If you look carefully in our photos you can also see Suzie’s fantastic butterfly that she painted on the Nursery Promethean board.

The children have been keen to talk about their wonderful creations and we have spent time discussing which ones are the same on each side and which are different.

To add to our excitement of learning about butterflies, a very special parcel arrived today in Nursery. We are now the proud owners of five little caterpillars so we may produce some real butterflies of our own in a few weeks. Please ask the children to keep you posted on their progress.

Happy Easter

What a fantastic display of decorated eggs we had in Nursery last week thanks to all your efforts at home. We were delighted that nearly every child had spent time with their families decorating eggs and we all enjoyed talking about the different ideas on display. Mrs. Kelly was so impressed that she brought Primary 4/3 to Nursery to see our display. We gave them a few ideas for decorating their own eggs and they were certainly full of compliments for our efforts.

Click on the photos below to see some of the children’s super eggs. We hope that you are all enjoying your holidays and wish everyone a Happy Easter.

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