Thank You

Thank you to Taylor from Primary 6 who has also left a comment on our blog:

“I had a really great time spending my first time with my buddies, I hope that the nursery pupils did too! and they behaved so perfectly.”

The Nursery children had a wonderful time with you all. You had planned your activities well with the children in mind and worked so hard to make sure that they had fun. Well done to all the Primary 6 buddies – you are stars!

Buddy Comment

Ruby, one of our Primary 6 buddies, has posted a lovely comment for Nursery children:

“I would just like to say a huge Well Done to all of the Hecklegirth Nursery Pupils they all behaved extremely well and a Big thank you to Mrs Johnston for helping us prepare all of the activities they did. Well done!”

Thank you Ruby. We are looking forward to seeing all you super buddies again soon.

Brilliant Buddies

Primary 6 have been doing a fantastic job in taking on the role of buddies to the children who will be going in to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August. Mrs. Johnston has encouraged them to think about what Nursery children would enjoy and to plan activities for them. Primary 6 have certainly taken this job very seriously and have planned activities in a thoughtful way.
They have written letters to you as parents and introduced themselves to you which hopefully, has made you feel a little more confident about your child’s transition to Primary 1. They also planned the activities on offer when Nursery children visited their classroom to play and were very caring when they went out to the playground at interval. Lots more activities are planned by Primary 6 and we would like to thank them for all their hard work in looking after our children. You are turning into brilliant buddies so keep up the good work. Here are some recent photos of the children playing with their buddies.

Update On Your Potatoes

Ollie’s family has left a comment for you all to keep you up to date with their allotment and the potatoes you planted.

“We are so glad that you had a fun time at our allotment and enjoyed the little buns after all your hard work. We have been enjoying the sun this week but we have been having to hose our potatoes each night so although we don’t actually want rain maybe a little that’s due tonight will help our potatoes grow. Remember boys and girls if you are ever out walking near the allotment pop in and say hello if we are around.”

We did all have great fun on our visit so thank you again from everyone. Maybe some of you boys and girls might be able to show your families where we went with Ollie’s family? I do see a little rain tonight so hopefully that will help the potatoes to grow.

Thank You To Our Gardeners

Planting is now complete in the garden and there are promising signs that everything is starting to grow which is exciting for the children. Eileen would like to say a big thank-you to all the adults who came to help and to the families who grew courgettes and beans at home – these have now been planted in the beds. We would like to say special thanks to Shay’s Grandad for the hints and tips and the lovely book on vegetable and herbs that he has donated to the Nursery. All we need to do now is wait for harvest time. We hope that everyone can keep an eye on the plants to see how they are doing.

Wellies at the Ready

Can we please remind all morning children that we would like them to bring their wellies to Nursery tomorrow, Thursday 30th May? We have been invited to visit Ollie’s allotment and his Mum tells us that wellies would be best for our visit. We’re looking forward to seeing how Ollie’s vegetables are coming on as ours are now starting to grow.

Police Station Visit

Severe weather at the end of last term meant that we had to postpone some of our visits to the police station as part of our work in the community. Last week we were able to take the Sunshine morning children and all the afternoon children to see what the inside of a police station is like and to learn about a police officer’s job.
As you can see, many of the children tried out the cells although they weren’t too keen on the hard beds or the clothes that some prisoners have to wear. We also saw the room where interviews take place and got our fingerprints taken. The police van, of course, was particularly popular, especially when the children were able to try out the blue light and the siren.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on our visit and to the police officers for taking time to show us round. As always, the children behaved so well and several came back to Nursery with thoughts of a future career so maybe we will see them patrolling the streets of Annan in years to come.

Madison Enjoyed the Sack Race

We’re glad to hear that Madison and her Mum enjoyed Friday’s fun activities:

“madison loved it today, the cold didnt dampen there spirits. she enjoyed the sack race best, and loved showing everyone her madal, all the kids done brill x”

We agree that the children were brilliant. I wonder which activity other people liked best?

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