We would like to remind you that tomorrow, March 15th, is Red Nose Day and children can wear their pyjamas and/or crazy hair to raise money for Comic Relief.
Tag: health and wellbeing
Imagination And Creativity
Children’s imagination and creativity never cease to amaze us. These photos captured the play of a little group who decided to make their own fire engine immediately after our recent fire practice. They used materials in the garden to create their own engine complete with wheels and hoses then spent ages playing imaginatively in it. Great work children!
Award Winners
Congratulations go to these recent award winners. Your certificates are well deserved and we are very proud of you both.
Buddy Day
Wednesday is buddy day when Primary 6 visit Nursery children to play with them. The buddies are getting to know our children and are doing a great job. It’s lovely to see the older and younger children chatting together as they begin to build relationships. We are looking forward to lots more visits in the future and hope that Primary 6 are enjoying their visits too.
Tasting Time
There is so much learning happens in the snack area and recently the Rainbow Room used this area to focus on tasting different foods and recording their likes and dislikes on a graph, developing the children’s skills in Numeracy and Mathematics as well as Health and Wellbeing. The children tasted a range of fruit and then vegetables to find out the most popular as they recorded their preferred choices then learned how to understand their recordings.
Award Winners
Very well done to our most recent award winners. We are very proud of you and hope that you keep up the great work.
Chinese Dining
Our role play areas change according to our children’s interests and the recent enthusiasm for learning about Chinese New Year led to the Raindrop Room having a Chinese restaurant. There were some great meals served up and lots of diners calling in to enjoy them.
Yoga Moves
This term some of the children having been joining in with yoga sessions with Mrs. Foster, our P.E. teacher. As you can see, this involves good balancing skills, flexibility and concentration. This little group certainly look as if they are working very hard at their yoga and Mrs. Foster was very impressed with their work.
Congratulations to these two recent award winners. We hope that you are proud of your certificates.
Valentine Cards
With discussions in Nursery last week about who they love and who cares for them, some of the children created their own Valentine cards to take home. We love that they are all different and individual as a reflection of the children’s ideas.