Hecklegirth had some exciting visitors on Monday when the Riding of the Marches principals arrived to see everyone. Here are some of the children waiting with the rest of the school to see our special visitors. Three of our pupils also had a lovely surprise when they were presented with medals for the Riding of the Marches Nursery drawing competition where they had to design a flag depicting Riding of the Marches day. Well done all of you.
Tag: health and wellbeing
Dinner Hall Dining
Last week those about to move to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in AugustĀ had their lunch in the school dinner hall. Many of the children already stay for lunch in Nursery but it was good for them to experience the serving system and the environment where they will have their lunch as P1 pupils. The children, of course, took this in their stride and we hope that they will be confident in the dinner hall once they are come to school in August.
Tennis Time
We have had so many experiences to share from our busy Health Week and here you can see some of the children enjoying a session with Mike, the tennis coach, who provided lots of fun activities to help the children learn control of a tennis ball. They showed great enthusiasm for all the activities, listening well and showing great concentration. Who knows we may have a Wimbledon star of the future here?
Award Winners
Congratulations to these recent award winners. Very well done for all you have achieved.
Make Your Own Smoothie
Trying out the smoothie bike was another great fun event that some Nursery children took part in during our recent Health Week. The children chose from a selection of delicious fruits and juices which were put in the liquidiser on the back of a specially adapted bike. They then pedalled the bike to activate the liquidiser and produce their smoothie. What an exciting way to make a smoothie – hard work but great fun with a tasty end product.
Proud Family
Leo’s family has been looking at the photo of him with his certificate:
“Leo was so pleased with his certificate all his family are very proud of him.”
Very well done Leo! You certainly deserved your certificate.
Taekwondo Taster
As part of our Health Week activities, the children in the Rainbow Room enjoyed learning about taekwondo which brought lots of smiles to their faces.
Award Winners
Huge congratulations to these recent award winners. We feel sure that your families will be very proud of you.
Health Week
Health Week has not been blessed with the best of weather but some of the children braved the elements earlier in the week to take part in Anklebiters and a range of Potted Sports activities organised by Primary 6 on the school field. The children listened well to follow instructions and thoroughly enjoyed their experiences. Thank you to all those who provided such fun for the children in Nursery.
Bye Bye Butterflies
After caring for their little butterflies, the children in the Rainbow Room finally released them after observing them so closely from being little caterpillars. Although they did not seem keen to leave us, Miss Kerr gave them a helping hand to settle on our plants in the outdoor area which gave everyone a chance to have a close look at our little butterflies before we waved them goodbye.