Relaxing Round The Fire

Our outdoor play regularly includes opportunities to sit around a fire where the children love to socialise and, of course, prepare something to eat. One of their favourites are these big marshmallows which are so very sticky once cooked but are certainly delicious. We are looking forward to lots more fires in our outdoor play again next year.

Where Does Our Food Come From?

The snack area in Nursery provides many opportunities for learning across several areas of the curriculum. Here you can see the children finding out where various foods come from as they help to prepare snack. They love helping to find the different countries on the globe, seeing how far they are from Scotland and how big other countries are compared to ours.

Keep Annan Tidy

We had a visit from the council’s community safety team towards the end of term to learn all about littering and keeping the community tidy. One of the highlights of the event was the visit by the mechanical road sweeper. The children loved having the opportunity to operate some of the buttons and sit up in the driving seat. Thank you to the community safety team for taking so much time with the children to answer all their questions and for making sure that everyone who wanted to was able to sit up in the cab. Let’s hope that the children remember all that you told them about keeping our community clean and tidy.

Please And Thank You

In a discussion about good manners, the children came up with some suggestions of when and where we use them.

Louie: you need to say please and thank you.
Leah: say it in the dinner hall when we’re in P1.
Evan G.: when someone gives you something.
Archie: you say thank you in the dinner hall.
Mason: when we want milk or water we say please.
Charlotte: when someone gives you a sweetie, you say thank you.
Jasmin: you say please and thank you for food and drinks and toys.
Emilia B.: every single time you say please and thank you when someone gives you something.
Alisha: I say please and thank you to my friends when they pass the butter.
Fern: say thank you if you get something.
Robin: when someone gives you a toy, you say thank you.
Macaulay: say thank you when Mummy buys you sweeties.
Remy: when the big ladies give you stuff.
Matthew: we say thank you when we have a sandwich at snack.

We are pleased to say that the children do remember to use good manners most of the time in Nursery.

Snack Creations

Lots of learning happens in the snack area in Nursery and here you can see the children developing their fine motor skills as they prepare fruit, showing good control to chop safely. They then decided how to set out their snack in a way that looked appealing, be that as a face or a pattern that they created. Finally, as well as enjoying the tasty food that they had prepared, the children took photos of their snack themselves so that they could share their work with others after it was eaten up. Great work all round boys and girls.

Sunshine Stretching

The children love to play on the school field and we took advantage of the lovely weather towards the end of term to spend time there most days. Here you can see the children showing good listening skills as they followed instructions through various stretches to prepare for some running, jumping, skipping and galloping.

Buddy Letters

Our Primary 6 buddies very kindly took the time to write letters to their Nursery child’s family so that they know a little about them and they introduced themselves to their parents/carers towards the end of term. We hope that this has eased a few of the worries you may have had about your child moving to Primary 1 and that you enjoy sharing the letters with your children.
Thank you Primary 6 children for doing a super job. The Nursery children are looking forward to seeing you again in August when they start in Primary 1.

Graduation Celebrations

We were all so proud of the children at our graduation ceremony today as they sang and danced to celebrate their year in Nursery. They showed great confidence to perform to their families and those walking on stage on their own to shake hands and receive their certificates looked so grown-up and ready for their move to Primary 1.
Thank you to Mr. Palmer for taking time to present the children with their certificates and for being so patient to pose with each child so that a precious family photo could be taken. Thank you also to all the family and friends who attended our little ceremony and for your wonderful support throughout the year. We hope that you have enjoyed the year as much as we have.

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