Outdoor Play

Seth’s family enjoyed seeing photos of him developing his tennis skills in the school playground:

“Seth will have loved playing outdoors it’s great to see what he gets up to at nursery”

He certainly seems to love all outdoor activities and everyone had great fun at the tennis. He will be getting another tennis session next week so that’s something to look forward to for everyone.

Problem Solving

Sometimes it can be the simplest of activities that are the most effective and this area produced lots of enthusiasm from the children to try something new. As you can see, the children’s focus and concentration was impressive as they developed their fine motor skills by using tongs to select a pompom and place it on the golf tee.
Although most of the children had predicted that the bigger pompoms would be easier to use, they discovered that the smaller ones balanced more easily on the tees and they then preferred to practise with them. Great problem solving and fine motor skills boys and girls!

Tennis Time

Wednesday afternoons have provided the opportunity to develop the children’s skills with Mike, the tennis coach, who has organised lots of fun activities to help the children begin to learn control of a tennis ball. Each room will have two sessions in the school playground with Mike this term and the children have shown great enthusiasm for all his activities, listening well and showing good concentration. I wonder if we have a budding tennis star in our Nursery?
We would like to share a gallery of the Raindrop Room’s first tennis session last week.

Click then click again on a photo to make it bigger.

Young Engineers

To help with counting skills outdoors, some of the children have been busy using the resources they could find in Nursery to make their own counting string. Making holes in the bottle tops was tricky but was a great activity to help develop the children’s fine motor skills as was the threading of them on to string. We think that this little group has shown themselves to be great little engineers and love the counting line that now hangs in the outdoor area for everyone to play with.

Rainbow Fire

Last week brought the first fire of the new year in the Rainbow Room garden and, just like those in the Raindrop Room, the children listened very well to ensure their safety. Marshmallows were on the menu for this little picnic and they went down very well once toasted on our fire. The children love to chat round the fire and even the process of putting the fire out brings lots of discussion. We hope that you enjoy our photos.

Outdoor Snack

Snack outdoors is always popular, particularly if there is a fire involved. The children love to help prepare their own food and there seems to be nothing tastier than a snack that you help to prepare yourself. As well as learning to stay safe near a fire, the children in the Raindrop Room are developing their fine motor skills and independence as they spread the butter on their bagels. As you can see, the children are always keen to join in round the fire and they made a good job of toasting their snack.

Fun And Games

As well as experimenting with a range of resources in the outdoor area to develop problem solving skills, motor skills and creativity, the children have also been enjoying some games. The children in their second year have been great at leading the play and here you can see some of the Rainbow Room children having fun playing “Duck Duck Goose”.

Puddle Play

Come rain, snow or shine our children love outdoor play and they particularly enjoy the big puddles that sometimes appear in our outdoor area. Exploring puddles seems to bring huge smiles to children’s faces and we are lucky to be able to provide such opportunities for them. No doubt this big puddle will be back soon to provide lots more fun another day.

What Are Our Rules?

The children have learned, through discussion, that rules are very important to keep us all safe and happy. Here they are demonstrating our rules so that we can display them in Nursery as a reminder for everyone. I wonder who can remember the rules to tell their families at home?

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