Jubilee Celebrations

We feel so lucky that the sun shone on our Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Monday. The children looked fantastic in their red, white and blue outfits and some even had their faces painted or Union Jack flags with them too.

The cake decorating was a little messy, as you can see from the photos, but great fun and the teddies seemed to enjoy being in Nursery for the day. We had games in the sunshine and our day was topped off when so many parents came back early to sample the children’s cakes. Thank you, as always, for your support – the children get so excited when they know that their families are coming to see something they’ve done.

We seem to have so many lovely photos of the day and hope that you enjoy our sample below.

Caterpillar “Babies”

No doubt most of you will know about the latest additions to Nursery – our five little caterpillars which arrived in a cardboard box last week. Having recently learned about the life cycle of a caterpillar, the children were very excited to get the opportunity to look after their own.

Everyone was very interested in our new arrivals.

Miss Kerr read the instructions so that we would know how to look after them properly. As Finlay said, “They need perfect conditions”. When we came back to Nursery today, they had already grown so hopefully they are healthy and happy in Nursery.

Lots of the children have already shown their families our new “babies” so everyone is looking forward to seeing how they develop in the next week or two. Please feel free to ask the children to show you them if you want to follow their progress.

Keeping a close eye on our new additions.

Sunshine and Smiles

It was all sunshine and smiles for our Fun Activity Day this week. We were  lucky with the weather which helped to make everyone so happy and the children certainly had beaming smiles on their faces as they had fun at the various activities. It was great to see them all working together for their team and trying their best. We certainly felt very proud of them all and, judging by your comments and the super support the children had, we feel sure that you felt the same. Thank you so much to everyone for coming to cheer the children on. We think they thoroughly deserved their medals and ice lollies after all their efforts.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Fun Activity Day

We would like to remind everyone that Tuesday (22.5.12) is our Fun Activity Day which family and friends are invited to attend. In the event of bad weather we hope to hold it on Wednesday.

Please bring children to Nursery at the usual time and we will take them to the school field as quickly as is possible. You will then be able to follow your child’s group round the activities and watch them having fun. We ask that you please ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear for the field. Fingers crossed for the weather to be on our side and we hope that everyone has a fun time.

Having Fun with Primary One

Last week we visited the big playground to have fun with Primary 1. We found lots of games marked on the ground, saw the timber trail and loved running about the huge space. Everyone seemed to have such great fun that we hope to go another visit soon. Thank you Primary 1 for looking after us so well.

Healthy and Happy

As part of our “Healthy and Happy Week” we had a visit from the school nurse who talked to us about various aspects of a healthy lifestyle.

We learned about the importance of washing our hands and had great fun using Rachel’s “magic machine” which showed us where the germs were hiding on our hands. We also worked well together on different activities designed to think about which foods are good for us and which should only be an occasional treat.

All in all, this was a super learning event for all the children so thanks to Rachel for taking the time to spend with Nursery, Primary 1 and Primary 2 – we all thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and learned lots.

Families Learning Together

We are delighted to say that our Family Learning event last week was very well attended. “Healthy Snacks and Happy Faces” seemed to be a great success for everyone who took part and it was lovely to see families able to enjoy some fun learning together, particularly when children were from different classes.

Families from Nursery, Primary 1 and Primary 2/1 all attended our session, enjoying delicious healthy snacks of strawberries, raspberries and blueberries on oatcakes and soft cheese. There was friendly advice available and a selection of helpful leaflets as well as the opportunity to make a happy face using food pictures.

We hope everyone enjoyed this aspect of our “Healthy and Happy Week” and are very grateful to Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for, yet again, organising an event which made everyone feel welcome.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Thoughts on a Healthy Lifestyle

At the start of our “Healthy and Happy Week” we talked about what we can do to stay healthy. We thought we would share some of the children’s thoughts. More of their ideas can be enjoyed in the “Thinking Books” in the book area.

What makes us healthy?

 Neve: sleep helps you grow.

Courtney: brush your teeth before you go to bed.

Evan: vegetables. I like bananas too.

 Zak:if you don’t eat healthy food you get fillings.

Finlay: if all your teeth fall out, you only get rubber teeth and you have to put them in a glass of water at night.

Hannah A.: carrots

Rohan: if you play on a trampoline it makes you healthy.

Layton: sweets make you fat and they can make you hyper. I learned that from my Mum. If you go hyper you go out of yourself and be naughty.

Theo: vegetables.

Paige: have breakfast.

Jack V.: eat fruit.

Miley: you can’t have sweets all the time.

Ryan: you need lots of sleep. You get rested through the night.  

Keep Fit the Fun Way

Our “Healthy and Happy Week” started on Monday morning with the children trying out cheerleading with Tina, our Active Schools Co-ordinator. As you can see from the children’s faces, they needed to concentrate hard and it was tricky knowing which pom-pom to wave at the right time but the main thing was that everyone experienced a different and fun way to enjoy exercise. Music while you work certainly seems to appeal to us all.

The afternoon children learned some basic rugby skills with Colin, the rugby coach. As well as putting the children through some introductory training, he talked to them about how important good diet is, alongside exercise, to keep fit. Unfortunately, the children seem to have been running so quickly that our camera didn’t manage to capture them clearly but they certainly enjoyed Colin’s activities.

Thanks go to Tina and Colin for a super start to our “Healthy and Happy Week”.

Click on the photos for a closer look.

Healthy Snacks and Happy Faces

We would like to remind you that tomorrow (26.4.12) is our “Healthy Snacks and Happy Faces” event organised by Eileen Johnstone, Family Learning Co-ordinator. Those who have expressed an interest will be able to join their child to try some delicious snacks, pick up some recipe/information leaflets and help him/her to make a happy face picture.

Some P1 and P2 children and their parents will be joining us so we are looking forward to a fun time as part of our Early Years “Healthy and Happy Week”.

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