More Hallowe’en Fun

As promised, here are some photos of the morning children’s Hallowe’en party. As you can see, the costumes were super and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves. Corners, musical statues, “The Witch is in her Den”, “Catch the Mallow”, dooking for apples and, of course, party food and dancing were all met with great enthusiasm. We think there must have been some very tired Nursery children that night but they all seemed to have a great time.

Hallowe’en Fun

Lots of fun and games were had at our Hallowe’en parties this week and the children all looked the part with fantastic costumes. It was great to see how well the children from the Rainbow Room and the Sunshine Room played so happily together. Dancing, party food and games seemed to be the perfect combination for a super party.
Here you can see a selection of photos from the afternoon party. Morning photos will follow soon.

Find a Sign of Autumn

Thank you for encouraging the children to learn about Autumn by bringing in a fantastic variety of things they have found on walks with their families. The frog that hopped out of the wheat certainly gave Miss Kerr something to think about as she added it to the display area and the children were very excited to get a close look, once it was safe in a bucket.
Last week we went on a nature walk to search for signs of Autumn within the school grounds. Unfortunately, no frogs were to be found there but, as you can see, we had a great time learning about the changes to nature in Autumn.

Food Glorious Food

We have been talking about our favourite foods in Nursery as part of learning to be good talkers and listeners. Here are some of our ideas.

Julia: yoghurt

Sara: sweeties

Shay: haggis and chicken

Kyle: little packets of chocolate

Ava: sweeties – pink ones and Peppa ones.

Patryk: chocolate and sweeties from Mummy and Daddy

Danny: pizza

Adam: white ice-cream with sprinkles on

Ollie: mint ice-cream with cake and sprinkles

Imogen: sausages and chips

Nathan: mince and tatties

Kailey: vanilla ice-cream – I don’t like sprinkles, only sauce

Katie: bolognaise – Mummy makes it and sometimes it gets on your face

Keira: ice-cream – the chocolate button one you get at Tesco

Nate: peanut butter sandwich

Liam: ham sandwich and some crisps

Lewis: pasta in cheese sauce

Good Listeners

The focus this week throughout the school has been on good listening and on Monday morning the Rainbow Room children attended assembly for the first time where they learned about the importance of good listening skills.
Everyone in Nursery has been trying really hard to use their listening ears to help them learn and on Friday these three children were delighted to receive Star Award certificates from Miss Wilson for being particularly good listeners. Well done and keep up the good work.

Clever Cooks

Soup and porridge have been on the menu this week in Nursery and some delicious smells have been hanging in the air. In the Rainbow Room the children used potatoes, carrots and onions to make simple soup while the Sunshine Room poured and mixed to make porridge just like the three bears. We learned about basic hygiene when cooking and about staying safe around hot pans and dishes. Here are some photos of the cooks in action.
Please click on “0 comments” under the title “Clever Cooks” to let us know what you think.

Star Awards

This week’s Hecklegirth Star Awards go to Ericka and Kelsie from the Sunshine Room and the Rainbow Room’s Caitlin. All these girls have shown themselves to be good friends in their play, showing particular kindness to others so well done to you all. Next week our Health and Wellbeing focus will be on caring so let’s hope we have lots of caring children in Nursery to choose from for Miss Wilson’s award.

Hecklegirth Pizza Parlour

We encourage the children to be as independent as possible in Nursery and this week they have been working well together to make their own snack. Pizzas were on the menu and, as you can see, we have some budding young chefs among us. They made a great job of preparing snack, showing an understanding of hygiene rules and good spreading skills, as well as super teamwork. It seems that the pizzas went down a treat so we look forward to the next cooking delight from the kitchens of Hecklegirth Nursery.
Let us know what you think of the children’s efforts by clicking on the word ‘comments’ underneath the title “Hecklegirth Pizza Parlour”.

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