We Will Miss You

On Monday we had to say a fond farewell to Tina, our Active Schools Co-ordinator, who is moving to a new post in Nithsdale. She has been providing fun activities in Nursery for many years now and the children have always looked forward to their time with her.
It was lovely to be able to take part in the whole school farewell to Tina and Nursery children did very well presenting her with our gifts which she seemed delighted with. Good luck, Tina – we will miss you lots in Nursery. Our loss is definitely Nithsdale’s gain.

Food Pictures

We are glad to see that you’re enjoying the pictures of your favourite foods that you made as a home activity.

Corey’s Mummy sent him a message on his photo, saying “hi corey its mummy that looks really yummy good work -_-“

We agree – Corey’s plate of spaghetti with tomato and basil sauce looks very tasty. Thanks to everyone for helping their children with this activity at home. It’s so valuable to talk about our learning in Nursery at home.

Christmas Fayre

Our Christmas Fayre will be held in school from 6.00 – 8.00 p.m. on Wednesday of this week. Nursery children have made little pot pourri bags to sell on the night so why not come along and buy one for a gift? There will be lots of other stalls and activities to enjoy for the whole family including a visit from Santa. Here you can see the children carefully selecting the pot pourri for their bags.

Food, Glorious Food

As part of our learning about the senses, lots of our children took part in our suggested home activity of creating their favourite foods on a paper plate. We have had lots of good discussions about everyone’s ideas of what tastes good and are building up an impressive display in the corridor of the children’s work. Thanks go to all the families who encouraged their children to take part in this activity. We hope you enjoy looking at their ideas.

Star Award Winner

Here’s a lovely smile from our Star Award winner showing us her certificate just after being presented with it by Miss Wilson. She thoroughly deserves her award for always being considerate and co-operative in her play. We hope that this was a proud moment for Granny to share with you while on holiday from Poland.

Children in Need

We’re glad that everyone seemed to enjoy “Children in Need”. We did all have lots of fun joining in with the dancing that we watched on the Promethean board. Hayden’s Mum posted a lovely comment on her photo:

“Hayden really enjoyed taking part in the children in need day at the nursery especially the dancing. Hayden has settled in very well and made lots of new friends and loves coming to Nursery and learning new things. The staff are also very friendly and helpful keep up the good work”.

Thanks to all our families for your support in encouraging the children to join in the spirit of the day by wearing spots.

Well Done Everyone

Thank you to Imogen’s Mum for posting a lovely comment about our “Children in Need” day.

“It was lovely to see all the children dressed up in spots and wearing their pudsey ears. Imogen was very excited to be dressing up and unusually was ready in plenty of time for Nursury! Well Done everyone for raising all that money for children in need”.

What a Star!

Congratulations to last week’s Star Award winner for giving some very thoughtful answers when we were talking about our feelings and how we express them. This can be a tricky thing to talk about when you’re three or four years old so well done. We can certainly tell from looking at his face how he feels about getting a certificate.

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