Congratulations to Harli

Last week Harli did very well and received a Star Award from Miss Wilson. Her family left a lovely message for her:

“Mummy and Daddy are very proud of Harli for getting her certificate and being caring towards others!”

Well done Harli! You deserved that certificate.

Summer’s Daddy’s Special Visitors

As we are now beginning to learn about our community and the jobs we might do when we grow up, Summer’s Daddy kindly spent a morning last week with the children in both the Rainbow and the Sunshine Rooms, teaching them about his work on a farm.
However, he didn’t come alone but brought a calf and two lambs which were all less than a week old, as well as the Mummy sheep, which were the best teaching resources possible. The children learned so much about what the animals eat, where they stay and how they are looked after. They learned about animal cake, which they were disappointed to find did not have cherries or chocolate, and smelt silage as well as getting plenty opportunities to stroke the animals.
The children also found out lots about the farm from all the fantastic photos Summer’s Daddy brought and left in Nursery for us. These will be very useful to help us to talk about working on a farm, especially with the helpful captions on the back explaining everything.
We want to say a huge thank-you to Summer’s Daddy for taking time to help us in this way. You provided a wonderful experience for the children which they will remember for a long time.

Who Do You Love?

With Valentine’s Day on the calendar recently, we have been talking about who we love and how we show that we love someone. As a home activity, the children drew someone they love and told us why they love them. As you can see from the comments below, we had some lovely ideas. All the children’s work is displayed in the corridor. Please take the time to have a look at them all as they will put a smile on your faces.

Jacquie: I love Mummy, Daddy, Arran, Carly and Granny. I love Daddy, Mummy and Granny because they give me cuddles. Arran plays crocodiles. Carly plays with me.

Shay: I love Grandad because he teaches me lots of good things, takes me on a train to special places and is very good to me.

Evie: I love flowers because they have lovely petals. I love Mummy and Leah and Ericka.

Tyler: I love Daddy, Mummy, Cody and Diesel and Nathan. Mummy plays games. Daddy takes me to the park. Cody and Diesel play on the field. Nathan is my cousin and best friend.

Lewis: I love Granny because she likes One Direction and she likes to dance.

Kyle: I love my big brothers Lewis and Jack because they play football outside with me.

Malachi: I love my Mummy and Daddy and Millie because they are my family and they are the best.

Abbi: I love Mummy and Daddy and Granny and the dogs. I love them very much because I like them – they’re my friends. Mummy’s good at cooking. Daddy looks after me and Granny.

Dawid H: I love all my family and Steve ( Nursery’s monkey) because they make me happy and play games with me.

Scott: I love Mummy and Daddy and Grant, Granny, Papa, Granny and Grandad and Hamish. They play with me and give me kisses and cuddles. They take me somewhere special and tuck me up in bed and read me stories.

Julia: I love my Mum and Dad. They take care of me and really love me. They buy me nice toys when I’m a good girl.

Star Award Winners

This week’s Hecklegirth Star Awards went to Hannah, Summer and Roxy. All these girls showed a good understanding of what is safe and unsafe to put in our mouths. We talked about who can give medicines and what would happen if we ate something that was unsafe. Well done girls for listening well and giving us all some good ideas in our discussion. We hope that you are proud of your certificates.

Cooking is Fun!

We like Finlay’s Mum’s comment on the photo of him tasting the cake mixture:
“Finlay was making sure the cakes are going to taste good.Yummy!”

We are also excited to hear about Ollie’s plans for baking tonight:
“Ollie is baking shortbread tonight for all the lucky nursery teachers. He had so much fun this term at nursery,especially in the run up to Christmas. If his shortbread doesn’t work out then we have a box of sweeties on standby.
Thanks again. X”

Thank you Ollie for such a lovely thought. We’ll look forward to tasting your shortbread tomorrow. Have lots of fun making it!

Party Preparations

Tomorrow is party day in Nursery so the children have been busy making all the necessary preparations. They decided that they would like cakes, Angel Delight and jelly at the party so today has been spent making them.
As you can see, some of the children have had a great time in the kitchen, learning lots of different skills and the fridges are now full, ready for tomorrow. We hope that everyone has a great time.

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