Road Safety Stars

Last week’s focus on road safety produced two other Star Award winners. They showed very good understanding of the rules of road safety and why we need to follow them so are now the proud owners of a certificate.
Finlay’s family commented on how pleased they are with his achievement:
“Well done Finlay, Mummy and Daddy are very proud of you for good listening on road safety. Keep up the good work.”
We hope that our latest award winners are equally proud.

Baby Photos

We are looking forward to seeing everyone in Nursery tomorrow. We would like to remind you to bring in your baby photos, if possible, to promote our discussions about how we change as we get older. It should be good fun for the children to try to pick out which photo belongs to which child and will bring to life our learning about growth and how to look after a baby.

Hecklegirth Nursery Street

Learning about road safety can be fun. At the end of last week we made a road with road signs in the garden to help the children learn about staying safe. We talked about what the different traffic lights mean and about how to cross the road safely. As you can see, traffic became a little congested at times but the children enjoyed using the traffic lights and the “Stop” sign. We will be looking at this topic again this week in Nursery as part of our whole school Health and Wellbeing focus.

Stars of the Week

Miss Wilson was delighted to present four Nursery children with Star Awards this week and our winners look rightly proud of themselves. Some of our stars got a certificate for being very helpful towards others and some were for being good listeners to help their learning. Congratulations to this week’s stars! Keep up the good work – we are all proud of you.

The Great Outdoors

It won’t be long now until we are back in Nursery after our holiday. Let’s hope we get some warmer weather to enjoy outdoors. We thought that you might like to look back on a few memories from last term in the Nursery garden. As you can see, the children are so inventive with the materials we provide and outdoor play seems to really promote teamwork and those problem-solving skills that we try to encourage. Let’s hope that we get some sunshine to enjoy outdoors next term.

We Made a Difference

“Wear red and white to make a difference” was the message on the last day of term in Nursery to support the fundraising efforts of Team 15 at Dumfries and Galloway College. They had organised several events to raise money for their chosen charities, "The Parksafe Campaign" and "Robin House", and we were delighted to support them. As you can see, there was a mass of red and white on the day so thank you to everyone who supported this good cause. Your donations raised £54.91 which was very gratefully received by Team 15. We hope that the rest of their fundraising events were a great success.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.


Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week brought lots of different competitions which many of you entered. It was great to see your wonderful ideas for a sports person made out of fruit and vegetables, the poster competition and the healthy packed lunch design. Thanks to all the family members who helped the children enjoy these activities at home. We also had certificates for being the best Junior Fire Officer and for giving the best effort at the Keep Fit activity.
Primary 6 were very impressed with the Nursery entries and several children won prizes and certificates. Well done to all who entered and congratulations to those who were winners. Thank you again to Primary 6 for being so organised with awarding your prizes and for making Nursery children feel special.

What Did You Think of Keep Fit?

Now that you can see the photos of our Keep Fit activity with the Primary 6 children, we thought we would share some of the comments the children gave on returning to Nursery. These quotes from the Sunshine Room certainly sound like positive feedback for Lauren, Aiden and Louis.

Scott: the star jumps were tricky.
Jordan: my legs nearly broke with running.
Harli: all of it was the best.
Mark: it was hard work but good.
Jaylin: I liked Lauren’s things when we had to shape out like a star.
Summer: I liked the running. It was hard but I could do it.
Finlay: the jumping jacks were the best.
Robbie: my sticker was the best.
Madison: I liked the running ’cause it was going round.
Hollie: running was best.
Evie: I liked the running and exercise bit.
Skye: I liked the jumping bit ’cause I like it ’cause it makes me tired.
Neve: I liked the running best ’cause it’s healthy.
Paige: the running made me tired. I liked the music too.
Hannah: I liked getting the sticker.
Jacquie: the running was good.

Keep Fit with Primary 6

Primary 6 made such a fantastic job of “Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week” last week and one of the best events for Nursery was the keep fit activity organised by a small group of Primary 6 children.
To help plan their idea, they came to ask staff details about our numbers and what the children would be able to do and would enjoy. They listened well and made notes so that they were sure that their event would be successful. They even came to watch the children doing a music and movement activity to get an idea of what to expect. It was quite clear that their careful planning paid off as they produced a fun, challenging keep fit session which the Nursery children absolutely loved. Stretching, jumping, jogging … you name it, they did it and all to the background of music which added to the event. They had even thought to bring a story to read to the children at the end while they were all given stickers for their efforts.
We say, “Three cheers for Louis, Aiden and Lauren!” for being so kind to think of Nursery children and for planning such a brilliant activity.
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