Singing Practice

Dylan’s family is looking forward to the children’s singing tomorrow. They enjoyed the photos of them practising:

“Awww, they look like they’re having fun! Looking forward to hearing them all sing tomorrow.”

The children have been really enthusiastic about learning their songs so they will be excited to perform them to everyone I’m sure.

Harvest Celebration

Rev. McGougan is looking forward to joining us for our Harvest celebration this week. Please remember that our morning celebration is on Thursday 2nd October at 11.30 and Rev. McGougan will join the afternoon children and their families on Friday 3rd October at 2.40. This is an informal gathering in the Nursery and all family members are welcome. As you can see, the children have been learning two new songs and are looking forward to performing them to their families. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.


Earlier this year some children and their families worked together in a Family Learning project to plant vegetables at home and in the raised beds in the Nursery garden. Today they returned to the beds to harvest some of their crop. As you can see, they had great fun making faces with their vegetables as well as tasting them. (It really seemed a bit warm to make soup as planned). It’s interesting how some children won’t normally eat vegetables but they enjoyed tasting those that they had grown. Thank you to Eileen, as always, for providing her super Family Learning activities.

Sing A Song Of Harvest

The children certainly seemed to have enjoyed learning their harvest songs. Teigan’s Mum left us a lovely comment about her singing at home:

“teigan has been singing the song she learned from the harvest festival to me at home as I was unable to make it due to work which made me laugh, she seems to be enjoying nursery very much.”

Well done Teigan for giving your Mum her own performance.

Cooking Crumble

As we have been learning about Harvest and what happens in Autumn, some of the children used apples to make a crumble. It’s amazing how much learning can be developed from a simple cooking activity: the importance of hygiene and safety in the kitchen, fine motor control, counting and chopping skills, using the technology of a microwave and the effect of heat on the apples. Hopefully, you can see from these photos that the children are demonstrating some impressive skills. Most important of all, they had fun as they were learning.

Harvest Happiness

Thank you to Ava, Carmen and Tom’s Mums for their comments on our Harvest celebration.

“Thank you to all the girls and boys for a lovely morning celebrating Harvest, I really enjoyed it. Ava has loved learning the 2 songs and has been singing them a lot at home too. I can see her confidence has grown since starting nursery, which is great, I’m really pleased!”

“Carmen chose pasta to bring into the school for Harvest Day. She said to me ” Do I have to cook the pasta for the people who don’t have a lot of food.” I’m a bit wee for that I won’t reach the cooker.” That made me smile!!”

“It was lovely to come into nursery and hear the children sing and see them all looking so happy and involved.”

The children and staff enjoyed our special celebration too and we all really appreciated how many of our families took the time to join us.

Harvest Celebrations

Thank you to all those children and their families who kindly donated to the collection for our Harvest celebration. Some of the children are shown below with their donations. We feel sure that all the food will be much appreciated by those involved with Kate’s Kitchen. Many thanks to Rev. McGougan for delivering our donations and for joining us in Nursery for a Harvest celebration.
We also really appreciated your fantastic support on Monday when you provided a wonderful audience for the children. It was a lovely opportunity for us all to gather together to celebrate Harvest and we hope that you enjoyed the children’s performance as much as they seemed to. One of our aims is to develop ‘confident individuals’ and many of our children showed themselves to be exactly that in their performance. Well done boys and girls!
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Harvest Thank You

Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, linked our recent family activity to our Harvest celebration and Carmen, Tom and Sophie’s Mums have all commented on our photos.

“Carmen and I really enjoyed this session. She got to learn all about food and were it comes from. I got to cut out the pictures and Carmen stuck them down. Thank you Eileen xx”

“It was lovely to see my mummy here.”

“It was lovely coming to family day, so nice to see Sophie in her school environment!”

We have all enjoyed hearing about the wide range of things that the children have chosen to say ‘thank you’ for on their Harvest baskets. You may recognise some of these from our Harvest celebration but we thought that they were lovely to share.

Darcy U.: thank you for my friends and sweeties and elephants
Teigan: thank you to my Mummy for my brother Logan
Mikey: thank you for toast
Jayden: thank you for my friends
Zachary: thank you for my racing cars and my Daddy and my police car
Freya: thank you to my Mummy for coming to Nursery to help me make my Harvest basket
Sophie D.: thank you for my lovely clothes and my family and for having a great friend Amy-Leigh
Darcey G.: thank you for my new shoes
Jakub: thank you for my family
Dan: thank you for all the food and my puppy from Fraser
Ava W.: thank you for tomatoes, bananas, my family and my friends
Sophie L.: thank you for pasta and holidays, for my family and friends and green apples.

Family Learning

We are delighted that many of our families took part in our first Family Learning activity of the year. Here you can see lots of children with their parents busy making harvest baskets and talking about where different foods come from. Thank you so much to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this activity and to all our parents who took the time to join in.

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