
Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week brought lots of different competitions which many of you entered. It was great to see your wonderful ideas for a sports person made out of fruit and vegetables, the poster competition and the healthy packed lunch design. Thanks to all the family members who helped the children enjoy these activities at home. We also had certificates for being the best Junior Fire Officer and for giving the best effort at the Keep Fit activity.
Primary 6 were very impressed with the Nursery entries and several children won prizes and certificates. Well done to all who entered and congratulations to those who were winners. Thank you again to Primary 6 for being so organised with awarding your prizes and for making Nursery children feel special.

Growing Families

Lots of children and their families have been taking part in the growing project organised by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. They have enjoyed the story of “Oliver’s Vegetables”, made placemats, planted cress and made scarecrows with wooden spoons. Now some of the children have gone home with bags to grow carrots and onions which should be interesting and before you know it, we will have raised beds in the Nursery garden to grow our own vegetables. We look forward to the Sunshine Room and the Rainbow Room having a raised bed each. I wonder which room will grow the most vegetables?
Thanks Eileen for your great ideas and organisation as always. We look forward to the next stage of our growing project.

Library Visit

To celebrate World Book Day last week, we made three visits to Annan Library with different groups. The morning children from the Rainbow Room can be seen here on their outing. For some it was their first visit to the library and for others it was obviously a familiar place. Everyone enjoyed a super selection of stories read by the librarian and the children seemed enthusiastic to revisit the library in the future with their families. We have some application forms to join the library in Nursery so please ask staff if you would like one.
Click on the photo to make it bigger.

Learning About the Past

Recently both the Sunshine and Rainbow Rooms were lucky to have visits from children’s grannies who gave us a fantastic insight into life in the past.
Rohan’s Granny is an expert on how life used to be in Hecklegirth School because she was a teacher here for a long time. It was great to be able to compare school life then with now and the children certainly didn’t like the sound of “the belt” which was used in her time.
Katie’s Granny talked to the children about how the buildings in Annan had changed and brought in some pictures of the shops from years ago. The children also compared their favourite toys with the ones she had played with and talked about school life.
Thank you so much to both Katie and Rohan’s Grannies for providing first hand insight into the past for the children, especially when it was so relevant and local for us. Your stories certainly captured the children’s imaginations and brought the past to life.

When I Was a Boy in Hecklegirth …

As we are learning about our community, Rory’s Dad kindly came in to Nursery this afternoon to tell us what life in Annan was like when he was a boy. He was a Hecklegirth pupil and told us about walking to school on his own when he was five which the children
didn’t think they would be doing when they go to Primary 1. We even saw photos of him in Hecklegirth School a long time ago and learned lots about his life as a child in Annan.
We want to thank Rory’s Dad for showing us all his super photos and for taking time to share his experiences.

An Insight to Nursery Life

Thank you to those who have returned the children’s “special books” with our evaluation sheet. It’s very helpful to get your comments about your child’s progress and we look forward to more of your feedback. Thank you to Reece’s Mum for her recent comment on the blog:

“Enjoying seeing what Reece has been up to at nursery both on the blog and in the book, he tells me more about what he has been up to when he sees the pictures.”

We hope that the books and the blog are providing an insight to daily life in Nursery for all our families.

Proud Families

We hope that everyone is enjoying having their “special books” home this week and that you are sharing your achievements with your family and friends who will doubtless take great pride in what they see.

Bethany’s Mum left a comment to say how happy she is with Bethany’s achievement in getting a Star Award last week:

“Well done Bethany! We’re so proud of you. Keep up the good work!”

We look forward to hearing all your comments when you return the “special books” later in the week. We would also appreciate it if you could please complete our comment sheet prior to our parental consultations.

Marie Curie Mini Pots of Care

Along with many schools and nurseries throughout the country, the children celebrated “Mini Pots of Care Day” last week by decorating pot wrappers for the daffodils they had nurtured over the winter and then taking their pots home to someone they care about. As well as being a fantastic opportunity to contrbute to society, this project provided great opportunities to learn about how plants grow.
As a result of the generous sponsorship of families and friends, we are delighted to be able to send a grand sum of £234.70 to Marie Curie Cancer Care. We would like to say a huge thank you to those of you who helped us raise this excellent total. We feel sure that our donation will be put to good use.

Congratulations to Harli

Last week Harli did very well and received a Star Award from Miss Wilson. Her family left a lovely message for her:

“Mummy and Daddy are very proud of Harli for getting her certificate and being caring towards others!”

Well done Harli! You deserved that certificate.

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