Look Who Came to Visit

Two lovely little visitors came to Nursery last week to help us learn how to look after a baby and talk about how we had changed since we were babies. Bethany and her Mummy brought in her little brother Noah and Dawid and his Mummy introduced us to his little brother Mason. Both babies seemed happy to help us and Bethany and Dawid also showed themselves to be a brilliant big sister and brother. They were very good at keeping us right when we thought that babies can eat pizza and go to the toilet. Thank you to Noah and Mason (and their mummies of course) for being such wonderful little visitors who helped us to learn lots.
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Fantastic Gardeners

Thank you to those of you who have been bringing in your courgette and pea plants which have grown from the seeds you planted with your families at the end of last term. You have obviously been looking after them well at home and they will be super additions to our garden growing area. Eileen is amazed at the size of some of your plants and will see you soon to find a space for them in our raised beds. Well done you fantastic gardeners. I wonder if anyone else has managed to make such a good job of looking after their plants?

Road Safety Stars

Last week’s focus on road safety produced two other Star Award winners. They showed very good understanding of the rules of road safety and why we need to follow them so are now the proud owners of a certificate.
Finlay’s family commented on how pleased they are with his achievement:
“Well done Finlay, Mummy and Daddy are very proud of you for good listening on road safety. Keep up the good work.”
We hope that our latest award winners are equally proud.

Bring Your Courgettes and Peas to Plant

Eileen’s left a comment for everyone who has been part of the growing project:
“I would also like to thank the parents who have volunteered to help with this project. It was good to see the sun yesterday but I was quite pleased to see the rain today – we didn’t water the seeds yesterday. If any of you have courgettes or peas from before the Easter holiday please bring them back to me as we will be planting them in the beds.”

Finlay’s Mum also commented on our seed planting photos:
“Finlay said he really enjoyed planting seeds with Eileen, Finlay is growing vegetables at home too and is very keen to water them and look after them, all the children look as though they are having fun!”

The children certainly seem excited about their seeds. Let’s hope that our planting lives up to expectations as some of them have already been talking about using their vegetables for part of snack.

Our Growing Project

The next stage of our growing project organised by Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, is now underway and the sun came out in celebration as we planted seeds in our raised beds in the garden.
The children talked about the tiny seeds and what they would have to do to help them grow to look like the ones in Eileen’s pictures.They then very carefully prepared the compost and planted their seeds. Each Nursery room has a bed of their own to tend and our kind parent volunteers will take turns each week to help the children look after their vegetables. Today the Sunshine Room planted carrot seeds and the Rainbow Room planted beetroot. I wonder which bed will show signs of growth first?
Thank you very much to Eileen and to those parents who have offered to be part of our work. This project provides opportunities to develop several areas of the curriculum and is a fantastic learning experience. The children are excited about it and we look forward to watching progress in the garden for the rest of this term.


We hope that our three new children feel as happy as we do that they have joined us. It can be daunting joining a class of children who are already settled and familiar with the Nursery environment and rules but these children have taken it in their stride. Thank you to all the other boys and girls for making them feel so welcome. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a taste of life in Hecklegirth Nursery.

Easter Egg Extravaganza

Eggs that had been transformed into bees, policemen, trains, rabbits … glittery eggs and painted eggs … the variety was amazing in our Easter egg display. Here’s a taster of some of the ideas brought in to Nursery. Well done to everyone who made such a fantastic effort – we loved them all.

Thank You Again

No sooner do I post a thank you for your comments, than another lovely one arrives from Ollie’s Mum and Dad:

Another great term at nursery for Ollie. He’s growing into a big boy in front of our eyes and we can’t believe he will soon be leaving to go to the big school. We cannot thank the nursery for all the hard work that has helped make Ollie into the lovely,funny, imaginative boy he has become. Have a happy Easter everyone and let’s hope the sun comes out for next term. Love Ollie’s mummy and daddy. X x

It is amazing how quickly the year is passing and the pre-school children will soon be starting to think about the move to Primary 1. We hope everyone enjoys their holiday too and that the sun is shining when we return for next term.

Thank You

Thank you to those parents who leave us comments. We hope that you enjoy getting a taste of Nursery life and that you will continue to contribute to our blog. It’s great to hear what you think. Neve’s family and Corey are the most recent contributors so thank you.

“Neve was very proud of her good work and so was her mummy and daddy. She has enjoyed learning all about the community she lives in. X”

“I really enjoyed doing my exercises it was fun jumping around.”

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