Rhyme Time

The children and parents who came to the Family Learning activity last week seemed to enjoy making rhyme bags and rhyme mats with Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. You can see some of them looking very happy with their work below.
As several of you indicated that you could not make that day for various reasons, Eileen has arranged another opportunity for you on Friday 22nd November (9 – 10 or 2 – 3). If you would like to attend, please add your name to the list on the Family Learning notice board in the Nursery corridor.
We would also like to remind you that if you want a story, rhyme or number bag they can be collected from the Family Room (opposite the school hall) on a Thursday at 11.30 or 12.30.

Hallowe’en Comments

Two more of our parents have been enjoying the Hallowe’en photos:

“What a scary bunch you have in nursery!”

“Lovely photo of the yellow group in their outfits, everyone made a great effort and Sophie had a fantastic time. we also liked the photo in the paper of her with her winning pumpkin :-))

Thank you for taking the time to comment. There were some scary faces that day and it was great that everyone made such an effort.

Carmen’s Been Having Fun This Week

Carmen’s Mum’s been enjoying our latest photos.

“Carmen couldn’t wait to go to Nursery today. She loves dressing up so she was a very excited girl. She said she had lots of fun with her friends.”

“Ha ha I’m smiling because Carmen loves being outside and getting dirty. I must say she never told me that a digger came to Nursery. She never told me that she was outside helping. She looks like she’s had fun and looks to be enjoying helping out. I will have to ask her about it this afternoon.”

I’m not sure if Carmen was outdoors when the digger arrived because it was a surprise to us when it appeared but she worked very hard helping to move the bark and seemed to be in her element getting involved. Carmen and all the other brilliant helpers must have been very tired when they went home.

Pumpkin Parade

Bethany and Sophie’s families enjoyed our recent photos of the children decorating pumpkins in Nursery and it is certainly true that they worked so hard at this activity and were very creative with their ideas.

Bethany’s Mum: “They both look very busy! Super pumpkin decorators!”

Sophie’s Mum: “Lovely photos as usual, everyone seems to be concentrating hard on such a fun task!”

We were also delighted that so many Nursery families took part in the pumpkin decorating competition which was judged at our school Hallowe’en disco last night. Our children’s contributions looked fantastic and congratulations must go to Sophie from the Sunshine Room who was the winner in the Nursery category. Well done everyone who took part. We hope that those who didn’t make it to the disco will enjoy our photos showing a selection of the pumpkins Nursery children did with their families.

Letters and Numbers

Bethany’s Mum commented on our hunt round school looking for letters and numbers:

“Bethany is getting very excited about letters and numbers! Thank you for all your hard work.”

It’s great to hear that Bethany’s enjoying her learning. We are looking forward to you filling our cauldrons this week with letters and numbers that you find at home. Don’t forget to bring them in to Nursery. I wonder which you will find most of – will it be letters or numbers?

Harvest Happiness

Thank you to Ava, Carmen and Tom’s Mums for their comments on our Harvest celebration.

“Thank you to all the girls and boys for a lovely morning celebrating Harvest, I really enjoyed it. Ava has loved learning the 2 songs and has been singing them a lot at home too. I can see her confidence has grown since starting nursery, which is great, I’m really pleased!”

“Carmen chose pasta to bring into the school for Harvest Day. She said to me ” Do I have to cook the pasta for the people who don’t have a lot of food.” I’m a bit wee for that I won’t reach the cooker.” That made me smile!!”

“It was lovely to come into nursery and hear the children sing and see them all looking so happy and involved.”

The children and staff enjoyed our special celebration too and we all really appreciated how many of our families took the time to join us.

Happy Holidays From Ollie

It was lovely to hear from one of our families from last year and great to get some news about Ollie:

“Hi. Just a wee update to let all the teachers know that ollie is really enjoying st Columbas and still talks about his friends and teachers at nursery. He attends tennis,swimming and football so catches up a lot with some of the boys and girls who were in his class. We hope that you have managed to get back over to the allotment and even picked some potatoes that you planted.
Exciting times ahead in our house as ollie is preparing to become a big brother in February. Happy October holidays. Love the hamilton’s. x”

We did visit the allotment on the last day of the school year and have recently been talking about going a walk there to see what’s happening now that it’s Autumn. Congratulations to Ollie on becoming a big brother – we are sure that he will do a super job in that role. It’s great that he still sees his Nursery friends and that he’s enjoying school. Thanks for keeping in touch. It would be lovely to hear how other former pupils are getting to on. I wonder if any of you ever look on our blog?

Harvest Celebrations

Thank you to all those children and their families who kindly donated to the collection for our Harvest celebration. Some of the children are shown below with their donations. We feel sure that all the food will be much appreciated by those involved with Kate’s Kitchen. Many thanks to Rev. McGougan for delivering our donations and for joining us in Nursery for a Harvest celebration.
We also really appreciated your fantastic support on Monday when you provided a wonderful audience for the children. It was a lovely opportunity for us all to gather together to celebrate Harvest and we hope that you enjoyed the children’s performance as much as they seemed to. One of our aims is to develop ‘confident individuals’ and many of our children showed themselves to be exactly that in their performance. Well done boys and girls!
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Harvest Thank You

Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, linked our recent family activity to our Harvest celebration and Carmen, Tom and Sophie’s Mums have all commented on our photos.

“Carmen and I really enjoyed this session. She got to learn all about food and were it comes from. I got to cut out the pictures and Carmen stuck them down. Thank you Eileen xx”

“It was lovely to see my mummy here.”

“It was lovely coming to family day, so nice to see Sophie in her school environment!”

We have all enjoyed hearing about the wide range of things that the children have chosen to say ‘thank you’ for on their Harvest baskets. You may recognise some of these from our Harvest celebration but we thought that they were lovely to share.

Darcy U.: thank you for my friends and sweeties and elephants
Teigan: thank you to my Mummy for my brother Logan
Mikey: thank you for toast
Jayden: thank you for my friends
Zachary: thank you for my racing cars and my Daddy and my police car
Freya: thank you to my Mummy for coming to Nursery to help me make my Harvest basket
Sophie D.: thank you for my lovely clothes and my family and for having a great friend Amy-Leigh
Darcey G.: thank you for my new shoes
Jakub: thank you for my family
Dan: thank you for all the food and my puppy from Fraser
Ava W.: thank you for tomatoes, bananas, my family and my friends
Sophie L.: thank you for pasta and holidays, for my family and friends and green apples.

Family Learning

We are delighted that many of our families took part in our first Family Learning activity of the year. Here you can see lots of children with their parents busy making harvest baskets and talking about where different foods come from. Thank you so much to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for organising this activity and to all our parents who took the time to join in.

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