Busy Families

Lots more Mums and Dads joined their children for Eileen’s Christmas Family Learning activity on Monday this week. Here are some of them busy at work. We are sure that your Christmas trees will look lovely now with your new decorations. Thanks go, as always, to Eileen for arranging these opportunities for our families. Keep an eye on the Family Learning noticeboard next term for more activities.

Star Performance

Thank you so much to all our families who supported the children today at our Christmas celebration. Carmen’s Mum has left all the boys and girls a lovely comment:

“WOW the concert was great today. Carmen’s Nonna and I really enjoyed it. The children were super. Lovely little singers. Well done to ALL the boys and girls for giving us a star performance. Very well done to all the teachers you all do a great job X”

The children were little stars and we were all very proud of them. We have some photos taken as they got ready to sing and will try to put them up on the blog soon.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that you are looking forward to the children’s Christmas performance tomorrow (17.12.13). After positive feedback from our Harvest celebration, we decided to keep our Christmas celebration informal to encourage the children to enjoy a relaxed and happy performance of the songs they have been learning. Rev. McGougan has kindly agreed to join us again and we are delighted that many parents have indicated that they would like to be part of our celebration.
We thought you might like to see a few photos of the children practising to give you a little taster. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Family Crafts

Thanks must go again to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for providing super craft activities for children and their families to enjoy together. Our first sessions on Friday saw Mums, Dads, little brothers and sisters have fun making lovely Christmas crafts together. We hope that their homes are now looking a little more festive with the latest additions. Hopefully, the families who are taking part on Monday are looking forward to enjoying Eileen’s crafts too.

Moving To Primary 1?

Parents of those children who are moving on to Primary 1 in August 2014 are warmly invited to attend our information sessions on Monday 16th December at 9.00-9.45 or 12.30-1.15. Come along to the school library to find out more about our school from Mrs. Alexander, our Headteacher, P1 staff and pupils who look forward to seeing you there.

Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji swiat bozego narodzenia

Sophie’s Mum has left us a message to say how much she enjoyed talking to the boys and girls about Christmas in Poland:

“Had a really lovely time with all the nursery kids. Was really nervous about that but it all went very well. It was really nice trying to teach them some of our polish traditions 😉 HAPPY CHRISTMAS TO ALL OF YOU ;-)and as we did Christmas Polish way I say it in Polish as well – WSZYSTKIEGO NAJLEPSZEGO Z OKAZJI SWIAT BOZEGO NARODZENIA 😉 x”

We would like to say Happy Christmas and thank you to Sophie’s Mum for all her help. We all thoroughly enjoyed her visit. If any of our families are looking at our blog from Poland we would like to say “Wszystkiego najlepszego z okazji swiat bozego narodzenia” to them too.

Polish Christmas

The afternoon children have been learning about Christmas traditions in Poland from Sophie’s Mum who very kindly came in to Nursery to talk to us.
We learned about the twelve dishes at their meal, the empty place at the table for any passing stranger who has nowhere to celebrate Christmas and that they eat fish not turkey for their Christmas meal. Santa visits Poland too but when Sophie’s Mum was a little girl in Poland she could not open her parcels until they had had their meal and that did not happen until they had seen the Bethlehem star in the sky.
We were able to taste the nativity wafers that they have on Christmas Eve as Sophie’s family still send them from Poland. We loved the tradition that they break a wafer with someone and apologise for anything wrong they have done or said towards that person before wishing them a happy Christmas.
Thank you so much to Sophie’s Mum for helping us all to learn about Christmas in Poland. It was very interesting to find out what the similarities and differences are between a Polish and a Scottish Christmas.


Two of our families have enjoyed our comments and photos on the nativity story:

“Some great opinions from the class.”

“Carmen and Logan look great dressed up as Mary and Joseph. She couldn’t wait to tell me. She said I had the best day ever at nursery mum I got to dress up. You made a little girl very happy. It’s the first thing she does when she comes home. She runs upstairs off with the nursery clothes and on with the princess dress or fairy dress.”

We hope that the children have developed some understanding that Christmas is not just about Santa. There have certainly shown in their play and discussions that they are aware of the nativity story.

Family Fun Activity

We would like to remind you that Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, has arranged activity sessions to make Christmas decorations with your Nursery child and younger siblings. In the past lots of parents and children have enjoyed doing this together and we are grateful to Eileen for providing the opportunity again this year.
You can join in the fun with glitter and glue on Friday 13th December and Monday 16th December. There are still some spaces left – just add your name to the list on the Family Learning board in the corridor.

Calendars For Christmas

This week seems to have brought lots of orders to the calendar factory and the children have been working like busy little Christmas elves to make them. If your order is not yet complete, it may be that we are still waiting to get a group photo that you’ve ordered as we obviously can’t take it if some children in the group are absent. Sophie must have made a good job of her order as her Mum said,

“sophie.s enjoyed making her calendars we ordered 2 so she could give one to her nana and papa for there Christmas. they are lovely and well worth the 2.50”

Well done Sophie. We hope Nana and Papa love your calendar.

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