Scottish Songs

We have another lovely comment to share after the children’s singing performance on Friday:

“We really enjoyed the Children’s singing and Thom was especially pleased to spot his big sister at the front. Well done to all the staff for teaching the pupils all the words, I bet they had the songs in their heads ALL weekend, I know I did!! ;-))”

They are very catchy tunes, it’s true. We thought the children did well to remember them because we had only been learning them for a week.

Kailey’s Family’s Got Talent

Our Scottish celebrations continued this week with a fantastic performance by Kailey’s family. Her Dad kindly brought in his bagpipes to entertain us and both Kailey and her brother showed super skills as they performed several Highland dances to his music. Everyone clapped along and thoroughly enjoyed their wonderful performance. Thank you so much to Kailey, her Dad and her brother Conlay. We really appreciate you performing for us and think that you are a very talented family.

An Entertaining Burns Celebration

Carmen’s Mum has commented how much she enjoyed our Burns celebration:

“First I would like to say very well done to all the children. The singing was great. It was very entertaining. Secondly it was lovely to see the children in Tartan. This was Carmen’s first time wearing a kilt, she loved it.
Lovely photo. I’m going to send a copy of this photo to Carmen’s uncle who lives in Italy. He will show and explain to his sons why we celebrate Burns day, and what a haggis is!! Carmen loved tasting the iron brew. Might have to let the boys taste some Ironbrew when they come over!”

It’s lovely to hear that we’ll be helping Carmen’s family in Italy learn about Burns Day. They could always see the photos here on our blog if they have internet access at home. Maybe they could leave a comment to let us know what they think?

Burns Day

On Friday we enjoyed a great celebration for Burns Day with shortbread, oatcakes and cheese and, of course, our toast with Irn Bru. Some of the children were disappointed that we didn’t have a birthday cake for Robert Burns’ birthday so we will have to keep that in mind for next year.
We appreciate everyone making a super effort to provide the children with ‘a touch o’ tartan’ as it added to the occasion. Thank you also to all the family and friends who came to hear the children sing their Scottish songs. It’s so important for them to have an appreciative audience and you certainly helped to make it a great occasion for them. Thank you, as always, for everyone’s support and lovely comments.
Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

We Loved Our Snowmen

Some of our families have enjoyed seeing their children’s home activity on our blog:

“Bethany loved making this snowman picture but she was most upset there was no ‘big sister’ snowman and so added her own!”

“Carmen loved this task. She likes to cut and stick things down. As you can see her favourite colour is purple and pink ha ha”

Thank you to all our families for helping the children with their snowmen at home. It’s lovely to see so many of you taking part.

Learning About Winter

It sounds like Carmen is enjoying learning about winter as her Mum commented:

“Carmen is enjoying the winter topic. She loved designing her snowmen at home. She says it great fun. When we are about to set off for nursery in the morning I ask her what’s the weather like today Carmen and she tells me. When she saw the floods on the TV Carmen sayed to me ” mummy I wish I could help those people” I said and how would you help them Carmen she sayed ” mummy they could all come and stay at ours and have a sleepover until there house has dried up”. Aw how cute! So she understands how the bad weather affects people and that she cares!”

How kind of Carmen to think of others. We did talk about the floods and were pleasantly surprised by how much the children understood about them. We have also enjoyed seeing all the different snowmen arriving in Nursery and will hopefully put a few photos on the blog soon.

Christmas Comments

Some of our families have been looking at the photos of our Christmas parties:

“It was lovely that we were invited to see Santa deliver the presents. Sophie loved her book, we often borrow it from the Library so its nice to have our own copy now, thank you very much!”

“Charlie had a great day! I don’t think he suspected Santa! Haha xxx”

We hope that everyone enjoyed their day.

Well Done Lewis

Those of you who were in Nursery last year will hopefully remember the carrots that you planted. Lewis obviously looked after his crop well as his family has left us this message:

“Lewis and I have just been harvested the carrots which we planted in March. What a lot of lovely carrots of all shapes and sizes. We are going to try them tomorrow at our second Christmas dinner now that Grandad is home from work at last.”

We hope that you all enjoy your second Christmas dinner especially those tasty carrots. Well done for looking after them so well.

Super Singers

Thank you to Rebecca’s Mum for her comment on one of the photos of the children’s singing this week:

“They look fair happy, what a good singing they all did”

It was lovely to see them happy and relaxed to perform. We also had great fun at our parties yesterday and hope to get photos up in the next few days for you all to see.

Singing Celebration

As promised, we have some photos of the children as they prepared for our Christmas celebration with their families. We hope that, like us, you were very proud of them all as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience. Huge thanks to Rev. McGougan for joining us and to all the family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children.
Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

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