Tag: family
Literacy in Nursery
We would like to thank those parents who joined us last week to read stories to their children in Nursery. This is one way that we are trying to promote literacy for our children and we hope that those who participated enjoyed the experience. Here are a few of the parents who took part, enjoying some story telling. We hope that lots of you will be able to join us again after the Christmas holiday when we will arrange another date.
Christmas Mail
Come and Read
We would like to remind you that tomorrow, Thursday 30th November (11.35 and 2.40), and Friday 1st December (11.35) are the days when parents are coming in to Nursery to read with their children. Thank you to those who have expressed an interest in this activity. We look forward to seeing you then.
PEEP With Playdough
Parents/carers from the Sunshine Room who joined in the PEEP sessions with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, seemed to have fun making various types of play dough last week and the children certainly took part with enthusiasm.
Please remember that Eileen will not be available for the PEEP session tomorrow, 28th November, but she should be back with you next week. I wonder what fun activity she will have in store for you all then? Thank you Eileen for organising this great session.
Photo Comments
Iona, one of our older pupils in school, left a “Well Done” comment for one of our recent award winners. It’s great to know that some of our school pupils are taking an interest in the Nursery blog so thank you Iona for taking the time to leave a comment.
Bethany’s Mum also enjoyed the photos from our Children In Need Day”:
“What a great photo of Joshua and Bethany together. Everyone looked great x”
They do look happy together. It was lovely to see the children in all their different outfits that day and, as you can see below, we raised a great total.
Children In Need Thank You
Well Done Enid
Enid’s family left us a comment to say that she is delighted with her recent certificate:
“Enid was thrilled to receive a certificate, she has been working very hard at learning her letters & sounds, her hard work has paid off.”
Well done Enid! Super learning! Your family must be very proud of you.
Christmas Boxes
Amelia’s family has been looking at the photos of the children with their boxes for Operation Christmas Child:
“I glad the staff help Amelia to wrap the Christmas box properly.”
We are happy to help. Thank you so much for your kind donation. We are sure that some lucky child will be delighted with it.
PEEP sessions
We would like to remind you that the PEEP sessions for children and families in the Sunshine Room start tomorrow, Tuesday 14th November, with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. Eileen will join you for a fun activity from nine until ten and we hope that those participating enjoy this opportunity.