As mentioned in our newsletter, we like to invite parents and carers to have fun by staying to play. A grid is displayed in Nursery (on top of the red and blue tray unit) so please add your name if you can join us for a whole or part of a session. The children would love you to be part of our play and what better way to find out the answer to “What did you do in Nursery today?”
Tag: family
Stories, Rhyme And Fun
We would like to remind you that our “Stories, Rhyme and Fun” Family Learning sessions will begin tomorrow Tuesday 30th October. Sessions will be 9.00 – 9.30 or 12.15 – 12.45 and younger sisters and brothers are welcome to join in. We hope that lots of our families take this opportunity to have fun while developing their children’s literacy skills.
Busy Children
Nancy’s family has been looking at recent photos on our blog. She enjoyed our Autumn art work when the children collected leaves to use for printing.
“Nancy loved looking for leaves, she said it was so much fun 😁. Nancy said that leaf she had was the best, it was “so cool with all the jaggy bits” 😀 ”. Well done to all the children on collecting leaves & very colourful art work 😊 “
They also liked the photo of the children singing their harvest songs: “All the children done very well singing their songs. Well done to you all, we could all tell you all practiced very hard 😊”
There was a great photo of a small group of children pretending that they were on a rollercoaster: “Great imagination Nancy, your expression is what Mummys would be on a rollercoaster 😄 “.
Thank you so much for taking the time to leave comments on our posts. It’s good to know that our families are enjoying looking at the blog.
Hallowe’en Disco
We would like to remind you about our Hallowe’en disco tomorrow 30th October. Nursery children can attend from 6.00 until 7.00 and should have an adult stay with them. Hecklegirth Fundraisers use money raised to support events and buy resources to support all children in our school and Nursery so we hope that they got lots of families joining in this event.
Please remember that the children may dress up for Nursery on Wednesday for Hallowe’en if they wish but this is optional.
Holiday Swimming
We hope that some of you will take advantage of the free holiday swimming sessions for Hecklegirth pupils. The sessions available are:
• family sessions 11.00-1.00 Monday to Friday and 12.30-1.30 on Saturdays and Sundays
• Float Fun sessions 1.30-2.30 Tuesdays and Thursdays
• public sessions 6.00-8.00 on Thursdays and 1.30-4.00 on Saturdays and Sundays
Remember to notify swimming pool staff that you are from Hecklegirth to claim your child’s free swim. Accompanying adults will gain entry for a child’s price. Have fun in the pool everyone.
Pine Cones And Acorns
Evelyn’s family has been looking at the photos of the children who have found signs of Autumn with their families.
“Evelyn was so happy to show everyone the pine cones and acorns she found on the way to nursery that day. She loves collecting them, I find them everywhere haha x”
Well done Evelyn! It sounds like you have been very busy.
Conkers And Pine Cones
Tilly’s family has been looking at the photos of the children with all the signs of Autumn that they have been collecting with their families.
“Tilly loved seeing her photo on the blog and showing it to her sister! She loves collecting conkers and pine cones at nana’s house, we have a huge collection!!”
Well done Tilly for bringing your nature finds to add to our display. I wonder what else you might find in the holidays?
Signs Of Autumn
Learning about Autumn this term has been helped greatly by the children’s super contributions to our display. Chestnuts, acorns and leaves of so many colours have been collected by the children and their families. Good talking skills have been evident as the children shared their finds with others and talked about where they had found them. Thank you so much to all those families who have taken the time to talk to their children about the signs of Autumn and have helped them find examples. Here is a selection of the things the children have brought in.
Confident Individuals
We hope that today’s meeting about the new Nursery meal menu and taster session was helpful. Thank you to those who attended, providing an audience for the children who had been learning some Autumn songs. We really appreciate your support and we hope that you enjoyed their performance as much as they seemed to. One of our aims is to develop ‘confident individuals’ and many of our children showed themselves to be exactly that in performing in front of a large audience. Well done girls and boys!
Click then click again on the photos to make them bigger.
Well Done!
Emilia’s family, who attend in the afternoon, like the photo of her with her recent certificate:
“Well done😊 we are very proud of our little girl.”
Thank you for leaving us a comment. We were delighted to give Emilia this award and are proud of her too.