Nancy Had Fun

Nancy’s family has been catching on our recent events on the blog. They have left comments to let us know what Nancy enjoyed.

“Nancy loved the big pedal fun day and being in the tractor. She loves messy play & doing experiments.”

“Nancy loved her visits to primary 1 and getting to go into the playground with her buddy.”

On the pre-writing skills workshop: “Nancy had so much fun that day, she couldn’t decide what she wanted to do first.”

On Health Week: “Nancy said she had loads of fun doing taekwon-do. She said she loved cycling the bike to make a smoothie but she didn’t like the actual smoothie. Nancy enjoyed sports day, she had so much fun. “

“Nancy was so proud to get the achievement award (at our graduation ceremony). Thank you so much.”

We loved all these different events too Nancy so it’s great to know that you had fun. Thank you for taking the time to leave us comments. We hope that you continue to enjoy your time at Hecklegirth when you move to Primary 1.

Graduation Celebrations

We were all so proud of the children at our graduation ceremony today as they sang and danced to celebrate their year in Nursery. They showed great confidence to perform to their families and those walking on stage on their own to shake hands and receive their certificates looked so grown-up and ready for their move to Primary 1.
Thank you to Mr. Palmer for taking time to present the children with their certificates and for being so patient to pose with each child so that a precious family photo could be taken. Thank you also to all the family and friends who attended our little ceremony and for your wonderful support throughout the year. We hope that you have enjoyed the year as much as we have.

Graduation Reminder

We are looking forward to seeing everyone tomorrow (Wednesday) in the school hall for our little graduation to celebrate the end of our year. Please bring your child to Nursery at normal times and use the front door of the school when you return to the hall for our celebration at 10.45. We ask that you please park in the John Bell car park and not the staff car park. We hope that the boys and girls bring their good singing voices and we look forward to seeing you all.

Fantastic Idea

Jasmin’s family has been looking at the photos of the castle that the children created:

“This was a fantastic idea, Jasmin really enjoys the role play corner and the different things it transforms in to.”

The children were certainly very involved in the planning and creation of their castle which, of course, makes it very popular.

Pre-Writing Skills

We were delighted to have so many parents joining us for our pre-writing workshop on Monday and hope that you all enjoyed the activities provided. We would like to thank Shona McGeorge and her team of Occupational Therapists, our Primary 1 teacher Miss Campbell and Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for taking the time to provide an insight into the skills we are all trying to develop in the children to prepare them for writing. Shona kindly left a guide for pre-writing skills which everyone should now have in their trays. We hope that you find it helpful.

Thank You Buddies

Emilia B.’s family has been looking at the photos of the children playing with their buddies:

“Emilia talks about her buddy a lot. Thanks to him and the other buddies she can’t wait to start primary school.”

I’m sure that the buddies will be delighted to hear that. We think that they are doing a great job and feel confident that the children will settle well in Primary 1.

Medals And Lollies

Thank you so much to all family and friends who took the time to cheer on the children today in the gorgeous sunshine as they enjoyed their activities on the school field. Thank you also to the group of super buddies who were great helpers and supporters of the children.
We are sure that, like us, you felt very proud of the children as they confidently showed off their skills and great teamwork. We managed to capture photos of some of the children with those well deserved medals and ice lollies as they relaxed back in Nursery after their hard work. We hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Well done boys and girls – you really showed yourselves to be ‘confident individuals’.

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