Reading Is Fun Together

We would like to remind you about the official opening of our library on Thursday 5th December between 9.00 and 9.45.
We are starting a “Reading Is Fun Together” project to go along with our library. Thanks to a kind donation from the Hecklegirth Fundraisers, we have beautiful teddies which need temporary homes (teddies will be returned to Nursery at the end of the year). These teddies need to be read to every day, and we hope your child will enjoy having a teddy/buddy to listen to stories with. The mince pies are bought and our little teddies are waiting to make friends with your child. We look forward to seeing you on Thursday morning for the official opening of our project.

Christmas Hampers

Thank you very much to all parents and staff who have contributed to our Christmas hampers and also to those who have returned their raffle squares sheets. We hope to receive more donations to add to our hampers in the next week or two so that we have some lovely prizes when our numbers are drawn at our Christmas singing event on 16th December. Squares can still be returned next week too. Thank you for your support.


Thank You

Those in the Raindrop Room enjoyed taking part in Yvonne and Louise’s information and taster session just as much as those in the Rainbow Room last week. We were delighted that parents, grandparents and childminders were able to join us and everyone appreciated the suggestions and the opportunity to taste different foods.
A few more comments included:
“Very informative, great to see the kids trying different foods. The banana ice-cream was really good. Some very useful tips”.
“Explained all the foods, colours and about textures, very tasty”.
“Good to see the kids try different stuff and some of the stuff was nice”.
“Very informative and useful information and great for the children to try things they maybe wouldn’t try at home”.

Thank you so much to Yvonne and Louise for their time and super advice. Children, staff and our families all thoroughly enjoyed your sessions.

Super Skills

Tilly’s family enjoyed seeing the photo of her chopping apples in Nursery:

“Aww! Tilly has an apple every night for supper which I chop up for her! Recently she has been putting her new skills to good use and peeling and chopping her own apple (supervised of course!!!!)”

Well done Tilly to use your skills at home too. You are becoming so grown-up and independent. Super skills!

Rhymes And Stories

The theme at Thursday’s “Rhyme and Story” session was spiders. Parents and children enjoyed sharing words beginning with S, listening to a special Incy Wincey spider story, singing/saying spider rhymes and bouncing our spider puppets on our lycra ‘parachute’.
These sessions for Nursery families are run by Mrs. Eileen Johnstone, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Jen Carruthers, Nursery Nurse, who welcome younger siblings too. Please see staff for details if you would like to join them.


As we had a hairdresser’s salon in our role play area, we thought that it would be a good idea to invite a hairdresser in to talk about her job. Fortunately for us, Layla’s auntie kindly offered to come and show us what a hairdresser does. We found out how she learned to be a hairdresser and that she started out using a doll’s head like we had in our area. Lucky Layla even got a haircut in Nursery so that we could see how she works. Thank you so much to Layla’s auntie for coming in to see us. We think that we may have a few budding hairdressers in our midst after your visit.

Parent Council

Hi All

Please see attached some information about Hecklegirth Parent Council, I have recently taken over as chairperson for the Parent Council alongside my existing role on the fundraising committee. I am trying to reach as many parents/carers within the school environment as possible to ensure everyone is receiving information. The next meeting will take place at 6pm in the school staffroom on Wednesday 6th November (hope to see you there).

If you need to contact the parent council you can do this via the school office, myself or email please also follow us on Facebook searching for Hecklegirth Primary School News.

If you need to contact for anything relating to fundraising you can do this via the school office, myself or email please also follow us on Facebook searching for Hecklegirth Fundraisers.

Information for both is also available on the notice boards as you enter the school through the main door.

Thanks  Stacy Wigham

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