Christmas Celebration

We hope that, like us, you were very proud of all the children as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience at our Christmas celebration on Monday. Huge thanks go to Mr. Higton and the United Reform Church for inviting us to their church and to the many family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children who certainly proved to be ‘confident individuals’ in their performance.
We would also like to thank all those who donated to our super hampers and bought squares for them. A grand sum of £194 was raised which will be used for our children. There is a list of prize winners in Nursery and prizes can be collected today. Thank you so much for your support.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that you are all looking forward to our Christmas celebration tomorrow, Monday 16th December. Children should attend Nursery at normal times and we will walk them to church. Families should come to the United Reform Church for 1.45.
We are delighted that many of our families have indicated that they would like to be part of our celebration. We want this to be an informal occasion for the children to enjoy a relaxed and happy performance to their families and look forward to seeing you there.

Lovely Comments

Isaac W.’s family enjoyed the photos of him making a pizza for snack:

“Isaac had great fun doing this. He enjoys doing it at home as well. X”

Well done Isaac for using these skills at home and at Nursery. It’s great to hear how independent you are.

Mrs. Irving also left a comment about our visit to the Friendship Club last week:

“What a lovely welcome our children received from the ladies of the Friendship Club. Feedback was wonderful with many of the ladies telling the children how it felt like Christmas had now began! Well done children, we are very proud of you!”

We certainly are proud of them all. How lovely that the ladies felt that Christmas had now begun, hearing our little singers.

Hamper Squares

We would like to remind you that tomorrow, Wednesday 11th December, is the last day to return your hamper squares. We really appreciate all the generous donations we have received and have several super prizes to be won on Monday. You may have seen the lovely hampers sitting out in Nursery but we also have two bottles of champagne with chocolates, a Ted Baker toiletries set and two vouchers to be won by lucky ticket holders. Thank you so much for your support.

Prize Winner

Tilly’s family was pleased to hear that she won the nursery rhyme competition:

 “Aww Tilly was delighted to win the nursery rhyme competition especially after an emotional start! We are enjoying singing the rhymes in her new book and reading to her wee bear who still has no name! Thank you!”

Well done Tilly! I wonder what name you will choose in the end for your little bear?

Reading Is Fun Together

Children, parents and staff gathered together last week to celebrate the official launch of Hecklegirth Nursery Library. The launch promotes ‘Reading is Fun Together’. The children who joined us, with their families, received a Teddy Bear each to take home, to help and encourage reading together. The Nursery Library is stocked with over 200 books, all donated by Nursery and School families.
This is the culmination of a series of events to promote literacy both in the home and at Nursery. Parents and staff worked together to create five key ‘Words Together’ messages with the aim of raising awareness of good communication skills to support their child’s development in literacy.
Mrs. Eileen Johnstone, Lifelong Learning Co-ordinator, and Mrs. Jen Carruthers, Nursery Nurse, have worked with families to model and promote the communication skills in weekly story and rhyme activity sessions.
Lots of lucky little bears headed home last week to enjoy listening to stories shared with our children. If you would like to be part of our library project and take home a reading buddy to care for, the library will be in the Rainbow Room at 9.00 on Wednesday mornings and in the corridor on a Thursday. Lots of little bears are waiting to visit your homes. Apologies that we forgot to draw the prize winner of the nursery rhyme competition but, as you can see, Santa helped us out with that later in the day and the prizewinner received her prize.


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