Keep In Touch

After setting up our blog in October 2010 to provide an opportunity for families to gain an insight into the life of Nursery, we added a counter to measure the number of visitors to our site. Unfortunately, after a few years, there were problems with this so in October 2015 we added a new counter to monitor visitor numbers and we are delighted to say that we have now had 50 000 visitors in that time.
If you click on the small map, further down this page on the right, then click on ‘Locations’, you can see that we have had visitors from 62 countries which is amazing.
We really appreciate the comments on our posts as this, hopefully, helps to make it a fun, shared site for everyone.
Thank you for your support in keeping our blog active and we hope that you will leave us comments while Nursery is closed so that we can hear what everyone is doing. Click on the “How to add a comment” link on the right under Support Information for simple instructions if you are unsure how to do this. We hope that everyone is keeping safe and healthy.

Safe And Healthy

Friday was a sad day in Nursery as we closed, until further notice, in line with all other schools and nurseries in Scotland. Unfortunately many were not with us on Friday so we would like to wish all our children and their families good health over the weeks and months ahead.
Undoubtedly the children will continue to learn and develop in so many ways as they play with their families. We will share a few suggestions here of activities you may wish to try at home and will continue to post here when appropriate so please keep an eye on our blog.
We also still have photos of the children over the past few weeks to share and we will post them here over the coming weeks so that the children can talk to their families about them and see pictures of their friends.
We sincerely hope that Friday was not the last day in Nursery for some of our children and that we will all be back together in the not too distant future but, in the meantime, we hope that you all stay safe and healthy.

Story Session

We are holding a Nursery story session on Thursday 12th March at 2.30. We would like to invite parents/carers into Nursery to listen to an Easter story with your child. Younger siblings are welcome to join us. We hope to hold more of these story sessions as the year progresses.
A reply slip is in your child’s tray to confirm attendance. We look forward to seeing lots of you then.

Stay And Play

The children love it when an adult from one of our families comes in to play and it was no exception when Skye’s Mummy stayed to help us bake scones. She gave the children lots of tips, as she often makes scones at home, so some delicious scones were produced in our kitchen that day.
We would love it if lots of grown-ups from our families stayed to play. You don’t have to provide an activity, simply join in the play and have fun to experience what a typical session is like for your child in Nursery. Why not just stay for an hour or so when you drop your child off or just pop in for a quick visit when you have a little free time? The children and staff would love you to stay and play any day.

Proud Parents

Emily’s family is delighted with her recent award:

“We are extremely proud of how well Emily is progressing in nursery and are over the moon to see she got a certificate for her manners”

Emily thoroughly deserved her award for her delightful manners. Well done Emily! Everyone is very proud of you.

Nursery Library

This is just a reminder to all parents and carers that the Nursery library is open weekly. The Rainbow Room can access the library every Wednesday 9.00 – 9.15 and the Raindrop Room on a Thursday at the same times. If your child is not in Nursery at these times, please speak to staff and we can arrange books to be changed at a different time.
We hope that all children who borrow books are enjoying reading stories to their adopted teddy bears. We still have lots of bears who would love a new home full of lots of cuddles and stories. We look forward to seeing you all at the library this week.

Musical Fun

Ella’s Mummy very kindly shared her talents with us recently when she brought in her fiddle and accordion. The children talked about what the instruments were made of and listened carefully for loud/quiet and slow/fast music. Great fun was then had by all as they clapped, danced and marched to a range of tunes including personal requests such as “Twinkle Twinkle” and “Humpty Dumpty” as well as Scottish music. Thank you so much to Ella’s Mummy for entertaining us and providing the children with a close-up look at these instruments which most had not seen previously.

Music At Our Fingertips

We are delighted to say that, thanks to great fundraising efforts at Christmas when so many of our families contributed to the hamper raffle, we have been able to purchase a Wonderboom portable Bluetooth speaker for each room in Nursery. This will allow us to have music anywhere we like both indoors and out. The children have already been enjoying the benefits of this outdoors recently when staff have kindly lent us their equipment but now that each room has one you may hear all kinds of music floating from our gardens – nursery rhymes, bagpipes, Chinese dragon dance music … we have the world of music to choose from.
Thank you very much to all those who kindly contributed to this fundraising event. We feel sure that this purchase will benefit all our children.

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