Treasured Memories

How lovely that Isaac W’s family left this message for us as we finish our Nursery year:

“Thank you Hecklegirth Nursery. Xx”

Mrs. Kirkpatrick also left a comment on our ‘Memories’ post:

“Hopefully we have all made fab memories x”

and left a message for Anthony about his super work,

“Aw what a super self portrait very well done Anthony. I look forward to seeing it displayed in your p1 class 🌈

We hope that we have helped to create lots of memories for the children over the past year and that they might come back to look at our photos to help them think about everything they have experienced and achieved. We, as a staff, certainly greatly treasure those memories.

Precious Keepsake

Isaac W’s family has been looking at the photo of him with his certificate:

“Thank you Hecklegirth Nursery this is a precious keepsake I really did not want to miss. Isaac was chuffed with his visit from Mrs Irving. Isaac is going to miss his fun days at nursery. XxXxx”

It is sad that the children were not able to have their graduation but nice to hear that Isaac will still treasure his certificate. We are glad you had fun days in Nursery Isaac. Have a great holiday.

So Excited!

Anthony’s family has been looking at our photos and left a lovely message:

“Aww Anthony was so excited when Mrs Irving came to see him and give him his certificate and his shell to decorate. He was super excited to draw his self portrait. all the nursery staff are just amazing thank you for having Anthony in your class.”

Thank you so much. We have loved seeing Anthony’s progress in his time with us and hope that he has a wonderful time in Primary 1 when the time comes.


Starting School

Starting school will bring a big change for our children so, to help them prepare, you may wish to look at a book to comfort and reassure them through that transition. Scottish Book Trust has provided a list of beautiful books to support you when having conversations with your child about starting school.

Click on the link below to see their suggestions, several of which we have used with the children in Nursery in the past.

Scottish Virtual Summer Camp

We would like to share this link to the “Scottish Virtual Summer Camp” which will run from June 29th until July 24th. They will provide lots of fun-filled ideas to keep children active, creative and happy with suggestions for inside and outdoors. This is free and it’s easy to take part. Just click on the link below for more information.

Smiling And Crying

Isaac’s family has been looking at the graduation video:

“Wow. Excellent video had me smiling and crying all at the same time. We had wonderful visits from Mrs Irving and Mrs Kirkpatrick yesterday which was a lovely surprise. Isaac has had so much fun, made friends and grown in so many ways at nursery. It’s been a pleasure to watch him turn into the little person he is becoming today. HUGE thank you to all in the raindrop room keep up the excellent work Hecklegirth Nursery. Xxx”

Thank you so much for such very kind comments. We all appreciate them enormously. We have thoroughly enjoyed getting to know all the children and their families too. Thank you,



After her visit yesterday from Mrs. Stott and Miss McVicar, Sophie asked if we could share this photo and video. Her family said,

“She’s so excited after visit from Mrs Stott and Miss Mcvicar! It’s really helped her look forward to starting p 1 as she was quite worried about it so it really was wonderful to see them. Thank you!”

Thank you so much Sophie for thinking of sending us your video and photo. We are delighted to hear that you are excited about Primary 1 and know that you will have a great time there.

Happy Nursery Days

Sophie G’s family enjoyed our graduation video (see below) for those moving to Primary 1:

“Ohhhh what a gorgeous video! Sophie has absolutely loved her time at nursery because of all the wonderful things you do there and seeing everyone having so much fun just made mummy cry 😭. What a sweet surprise to get a visit from Mrs Stott and Mrs Mcvicar too – Sophie is delighted with her shell and certificate. Happy nursery days and Max has it all to come- thank you! Xx”

We are delighted that you enjoyed it and we have to admit that a few of us shed a little tear when we watched it. Thank you so much for your very kind comments.

Good Luck In Primary 1

As we approach the end of our year in Nursery, it is disappointing that we will be unable to hold our graduation ceremony, due to the current situation. For children, parents and staff this is a great miss as we would have liked to mark the transition of our eldest children to Primary 1.

As a record of the time you have spent in Hecklegirth Nursery, we would like to share this video which includes all those moving to Primary 1 in various schools. We wish you and your families good health and lots of happiness in the future and know that you will all have great fun in Primary 1. “Reach for the Stars” all of you!

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