Bethany and Sophie’s families enjoyed our recent photos of the children decorating pumpkins in Nursery and it is certainly true that they worked so hard at this activity and were very creative with their ideas.
Bethany’s Mum: “They both look very busy! Super pumpkin decorators!”
Sophie’s Mum: “Lovely photos as usual, everyone seems to be concentrating hard on such a fun task!”
We were also delighted that so many Nursery families took part in the pumpkin decorating competition which was judged at our school Hallowe’en disco last night. Our children’s contributions looked fantastic and congratulations must go to Sophie from the Sunshine Room who was the winner in the Nursery category. Well done everyone who took part. We hope that those who didn’t make it to the disco will enjoy our photos showing a selection of the pumpkins Nursery children did with their families.