The Garden Band

Whatever the weather, the children love outdoor play and enjoy the opportunity to experiment and learn in so many different ways. On the particular day last week when we captured these photos, they had great fun singing and playing in a band in the garden. As well as using the musical instruments, they managed to make music by being creative with all sorts of materials that they found outdoors.

Children In Need

Thank you to all those who contributed to our Children in Need non-uniform day. Some went with the superhero theme and others simply enjoyed wearing something different. We are delighted to say that Nursery raised £65 as part of a grand total of £264 raised by Hecklegirth School so thank you very much to everyone who contributed.

Pumpkin Time

There’s been a distinct aroma of pumpkin in the air this week in Nursery as we prepare for Hallowe’en. It was quite a challenge to produce the design that the children wanted for their pumpkin, particularly the one eye that had to be a moon, but the finished result seemed to pass the test. It’s hard to see the little person behind the pumpkin face but he was determined to hold our finished design for the photo.
As you can see, the greatest fun was probably had in the investigation of the insides of the pumpkin. Some of the vocabulary that the children used to describe how it felt and smelled was super and they were amazed by the number of seeds inside.
We hope that you will bring lanterns from home tomorrow for the competition organised by the HFA. Remember to bring them in during the day for judging and winners will be announced at the Hallowe’en disco tomorrow night.

Dens In The Rain

Regardless of weather, most children love outdoor play and work well together to use the resources available to them. As you can see from these photos, the last day of term brought some very heavy showers which inspired the children to build a den to help them stay dry. They showed great perseverance despite the conditions and were pleased with the shelter that they built.

Autumn Treasure

As you have no doubt noticed, we now have a great collection of leaves, chestnuts, pinecones etc. that the children have brought from home to help us learn about Autumn. Thank you to everyone who went walks in the woods or searched their gardens for signs of Autumn – it’s been lovely to talk to you about what you have gathered. Some have even been creative with their finds and turned them into pictures. Here is a selection of photos of the children with their Autumn treasure as some have called it.

Harvest Celebration

Thank you to Rev. McGougan and to all afternoon family and friends who attended our little Harvest celebration today. Those well deserved cheers and smiles meant a lot to the children who performed so well to a large audience. They certainly showed themselves to be those ‘confident individuals’ and ‘effective contributors’ that we want them to become.We are sure that you felt as proud of them as we did. Thank you also for your generous donations which will be much appreciated by local charities.

A Horse’s Palace

Good teamwork worked wonders to build a den in the garden last week. It started out as “a den” then became “a horse’s palace” and finally “a den for horses and people” but everyone seemed quite pleased with the finished product regardless of the name of it. There’s nothing better than sitting back and relaxing when you’ve made something yourself.
Click on the photos for a clearer view.

Harvest Celebration

Rev. McGougan is looking forward to joining us for our Harvest celebration this week. Please remember that our morning celebration is on Thursday 2nd October at 11.30 and Rev. McGougan will join the afternoon children and their families on Friday 3rd October at 2.40. This is an informal gathering in the Nursery and all family members are welcome. As you can see, the children have been learning two new songs and are looking forward to performing them to their families. We look forward to seeing lots of you there.

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