Start Of Term

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their holidays with their families. You will no doubt have lots of tales to tell us when you return.
Nursery starts back tomorrow (Monday). Starting times are as normal – a soft start between 8.45 and 9.10 for the morning children and 12.15 in the afternoon. Details of upcoming events this term can be found on the “Dates for your Diary” link on the right under “Support Information”. As always, this will be updated as soon as any further dates are finalised.
We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow especially our new children and their families.

Happy Holidays

We hope that everyone is looking forward to a lovely Spring holiday with their family. Nursery is now closed until Monday 16th April but we still have some memories to share from last term so keep an eye on our blog for a few updates over the holidays. We hope that the sun shines over the next two weeks and that you all have a great break.

Dates For Your Diary

In light of the recent newsletter from Eileen, our Family Co-ordinator, and our dates to visit the local community, we have now added several new dates to our “Dates for Your Diary” page. Please click on the link on the right under “Support Information” for all events currently planned to the end of term. We hope that lots of families will be able to participate in our activities.

A Touch O’ Tartan

We would like to remind you that we plan to celebrate Burn’s Day with a small celebration tomorrow, Thursday 25th January. It would add to the occasion if the children could wear a little ‘touch o’ tartan’. Hopefully most of them have or can borrow a hairband, a ribbon or a scarf for the day and anyone who has a kilt or a tartan outfit would certainly help us to celebrate the day in style. If your child does not have anything tartan, please do not buy anything new as this is a very informal occasion and they will hopefully enjoy themselves regardless of what they are wearing.

Primary 1 Enrolment

We would like to remind you that Primary 1 enrolment takes place on Thursday 25th and Friday 26th January for children who will be five years old by the end of February 2019. You should enrol at your catchment school between 9.00 and 3.30. If you wish to apply for a place at another primary school, please inform staff at your catchment school and you will be given a Placement Request Form when enrolling. If you are unsure of your catchment school, please use the “find the nearest” link on the website.
You should take your child’s birth certificate together with proof that you live permanently at your address, for example, Council Tax bill, recent utility bill or bank statement.
If you have any queries regarding the enrolment, please speak to Nursery staff or contact the school office.

Speech and Language Advice

We now have the dates of various drop-in sessions organised by the Speech and Language Therapy department. They are providing workshops for parents/carers entitled “Early Language Drop-in”, “Speech Sounds Drop-in” and “Communication Problem Solving Drop-in”. We have leaflets displayed in Nursery on the middle door between the two areas – these explain the details of what is involved in each of these workshops at both Annan or Lockerbie and what the dates are for the sessions.
Speech and Language Therapy also provide an advice line on 01387 220013 which is available every Wednesday from 2.00 until 4.00.
This is a very valuable service which we hope will be useful to you. Please speak to staff for any advice about this opportunity.

“Dates For Your Diary” Update

We have updated the “Dates for your Diary” section on the right under “Support Information” to highlight this term’s important dates in red. Simply click and scroll for details and keep an eye on this section throughout the term as we will continue to update it when we have any further dates for your diary.

New Term

Tomorrow, Thursday 4th January, will be the start of term and we are looking forward to seeing everyone again, along with the twelve new children who will also be getting ready for their first day. We hope that they are excited to be starting Nursery and are looking forward to making new friends. No doubt everyone will make them feel welcome and we hope that this is the beginning of a happy experience for the children and their families.
Our morning session will have a soft start, as usual, between 8.45 and 9.10. The afternoon session will begin at 12.15. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

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