Back To Nursery

We hope that everyone has been enjoying their Easter holiday especially since the sun has come out to cheer us up. We are looking forward to seeing you all on Tuesday when we will be welcoming four new children to Nursery. No doubt they will be excited to start with us and we are sure that all our families will make them feel welcome. Miss Awde, our Modern Apprentice, will be working in the Sunshine Room this term which will delight the Sunshine children and we are all looking forward to a fun term ahead. Enjoy the rest of your holiday boys and girls. We will see you on Tuesday.

Family Learning

Thursday saw the first activity session for the “Growing Families” project organised by Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator. Children and their parents enjoyed a story about growing and investigated seeds and shoots before cutting and sticking pictures to show how vegetables grow. Then it was off to the Nursery garden to plant onions and carrots in our raised beds. I wonder if they will show any signs of growth when we return to Nursery after the holiday?
Christine from the Positive Parenting Project group joined our sessions to introduce herself as she is planning to start a project in our Nursery next term for all parents. We would like to welcome her to our Nursery and hope that she enjoys working with us all. You can see Christine enjoying the outdoor planting in our photos.
If you like the sound of the “Growing Families” activity, there are some places left for the first Thursday of next term (24.4.14). Simply add your name to the list on the Family Learning board above the blue group cloakroom area. Thank you, as always, to Eileen for organising this activity. We hope that lots more families enjoy it next term.

Growing Families

We would like to remind you of the start of a project called “Growing Families” on Thursday 3rd April. This will be a joint Family Learning and Nursery project about vegetables and how to grow them. Our initial session will involve reading and discussing the book “Growing Vegetables”, making a soup bowl picture and planting seeds either in our raised beds or to take home.
Sessions will be in the family room with Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, and there are still a few spaces left (see the notice board in the corridor above the blue group coat pegs). If you are unable to come on Thursday there will be another opportunity on Thursday 24th April so hopefully everyone who would like to take part can join in.

School Enrolment

We would like to remind you that enrolment for pupils due to start Primary 1 in August 2014 will be on Tuesday 14th and Wednesday 15th January 2014 between 2.00 and 3.30p.m. at your child’s catchment school. If you wish your child to attend a school other than his/her catchment school, there is an option to make this request on the enrolment form.
When enrolling their child, parents should bring with them their son/daughter’s birth certificate and proof of address, e.g. a utility bill or bank statement.

Parental Consultations

We would like to remind you that individual parental consultations are available with your child’s key worker during weeks beginning 18.11.13 and 25.11.13. An appointment grid is displayed beside the notice board (Rainbow Room) and on the Nursery office door (Sunshine Room) to choose your appointment. If none of the available appointments is suitable for you, please speak to a member of staff to arrange an alternative time. We look forward to meeting with lots of parents over the next two weeks.

Nursery Uniforms

Nursery uniforms should be delivered to school today and can be collected tomorrow, Friday 16th August. If you ordered uniform last term, it will be available from the school office between 1.00 and 2.30. Please use the main door at the front of the school. If you are unable to collect the uniform tomorrow, you can pick it up when your child starts Nursery. We look forward to seeing you all soon.

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