Snack in the Dinner Hall

Last week we enjoyed our snack in the school dinner hall which was another opportunity to build the children’s confidence. We have had some great discussions with them about having their lunch in school when they move to Primary 1 and this certainly seems to be one of the most exciting things that they are looking forward to, regardless of which school they are moving to.

Brilliant Buddies

Thank you to Primary 6 for being brilliant buddies to the children who will start Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August. They have written lovely, thoughtful letters to some of our Nursery children and their families and they certainly made the children feel at ease when they came to play with them last week.

Thank you to Mrs. Johnstone, Miss Dennis and Primary 6 for smoothing the transition process for our children. We feel sure that their families appreciate your kindness.


As the Olympic torch made its way towards Annan last week, we had a fun sport session in the hall organised by the Sports Development Officer. “Olympikidz” provided a good taster of several activities and got us in the mood for the Olympic Games. Hurdles, javelin, skipping through hoops and jumping skills were all great fun and it was lovely to have some parents join us as leaders of our teams which were Olympic countries. Thanks to everyone who helped to make this a great experience for our children – we appreciate your help and support.

“Trotter’s” Take Two

Our visit to “Trotter’s World of Animals” on Thursday seemed to be enjoyed by the afternoon children as much as by the morning children earlier in the week. The weather was kind to us yet again and the children made us very proud of Hecklegirth Nursery. They all had a great time and behaved beautifully. As you can see from the photos, there were a few exhausted children who fell asleep on the way home, tired but happy. Thank you again to all the parents who came with us: without your support, this trip would not have been possible.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.

“Trotter’s World of Animals”

Our trip to “Trotter’s World of Animals” was a hit with all the morning children this week. Some of us enjoyed the reptile encounter; others preferred to “hug a bunny” but we all loved the funny little monkeys and the lemurs. As you can see, Stan the Star particularly enjoyed meeting the bunny. As always, a picnic lunch goes down well and our time at the park or in the soft play area finished our day off nicely. We hope that the photos tell the story. Thank you so much to all the mummies and grannies who came to help us: we could not have had our trip without your support. We are looking forward to Thursday’s visit with the afternoon children.

Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

Jubilee Celebrations

We feel so lucky that the sun shone on our Diamond Jubilee celebrations on Monday. The children looked fantastic in their red, white and blue outfits and some even had their faces painted or Union Jack flags with them too.

The cake decorating was a little messy, as you can see from the photos, but great fun and the teddies seemed to enjoy being in Nursery for the day. We had games in the sunshine and our day was topped off when so many parents came back early to sample the children’s cakes. Thank you, as always, for your support – the children get so excited when they know that their families are coming to see something they’ve done.

We seem to have so many lovely photos of the day and hope that you enjoy our sample below.

What do you think of our wall?

Now that the children’s ideas have been so fantastically transformed by Rory’s Mum and Dad into a piece of art on our garden wall, we asked them what they thought of it. We hope that you all enjoy their comments. The story of this design from beginning to end is in a book in the story corner for everyone to look at.

Layton: I like the Earth. It’s where we live and it’s got a bit of jig-saw attached.

Grace: I like the princess – she’s going to her castle.

Rohan: I like all of it. That lady’s called a mermaid ‘cause she comes out of the water and looks for a dinosaur and goes back underwater to hide.

Theo: I like the Loch Ness monster.

Neve: I like the princess’ dress.

Hannah A.: I like the planet. I think everyone dances on it.

Lee: I like the puzzle ‘cause it’s got a spider’s web.

Liam: the green lizard’s good.

Emily D.: the rocket flying past the moon.

Haydn: I like the Loch Ness monster that’s in the water.

Finlay: I like the butterfly and Stan the Star and the planet – I think it’s Mars.

Caleb: I like the spider in the web. It’s stuck.

Courtney: I like the princess. I like her dress best.

Lexie: the sunflowers are the best bit.


Sunshine and Smiles

It was all sunshine and smiles for our Fun Activity Day this week. We were  lucky with the weather which helped to make everyone so happy and the children certainly had beaming smiles on their faces as they had fun at the various activities. It was great to see them all working together for their team and trying their best. We certainly felt very proud of them all and, judging by your comments and the super support the children had, we feel sure that you felt the same. Thank you so much to everyone for coming to cheer the children on. We think they thoroughly deserved their medals and ice lollies after all their efforts.

Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Fun Activity Day

We would like to remind everyone that Tuesday (22.5.12) is our Fun Activity Day which family and friends are invited to attend. In the event of bad weather we hope to hold it on Wednesday.

Please bring children to Nursery at the usual time and we will take them to the school field as quickly as is possible. You will then be able to follow your child’s group round the activities and watch them having fun. We ask that you please ensure that your child is wearing suitable footwear for the field. Fingers crossed for the weather to be on our side and we hope that everyone has a fun time.

Having Fun with Primary One

Last week we visited the big playground to have fun with Primary 1. We found lots of games marked on the ground, saw the timber trail and loved running about the huge space. Everyone seemed to have such great fun that we hope to go another visit soon. Thank you Primary 1 for looking after us so well.

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