Brilliant Buddies

Primary 6 have been doing a fantastic job in taking on the role of buddies to the children who will be going in to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August. Mrs. Johnston has encouraged them to think about what Nursery children would enjoy and to plan activities for them. Primary 6 have certainly taken this job very seriously and have planned activities in a thoughtful way.
They have written letters to you as parents and introduced themselves to you which hopefully, has made you feel a little more confident about your child’s transition to Primary 1. They also planned the activities on offer when Nursery children visited their classroom to play and were very caring when they went out to the playground at interval. Lots more activities are planned by Primary 6 and we would like to thank them for all their hard work in looking after our children. You are turning into brilliant buddies so keep up the good work. Here are some recent photos of the children playing with their buddies.

Police Station Visit

Severe weather at the end of last term meant that we had to postpone some of our visits to the police station as part of our work in the community. Last week we were able to take the Sunshine morning children and all the afternoon children to see what the inside of a police station is like and to learn about a police officer’s job.
As you can see, many of the children tried out the cells although they weren’t too keen on the hard beds or the clothes that some prisoners have to wear. We also saw the room where interviews take place and got our fingerprints taken. The police van, of course, was particularly popular, especially when the children were able to try out the blue light and the siren.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on our visit and to the police officers for taking time to show us round. As always, the children behaved so well and several came back to Nursery with thoughts of a future career so maybe we will see them patrolling the streets of Annan in years to come.

Running, Jumping and Balancing

Running, jumping and balancing are some of the skills we have been practising for our Fun Activity session on Friday. The children have enjoyed working together in teams to take part in a range of activities on the school field. We hope that lots of families will be able to encourage the children on Friday when they show you what they can do. Let’s just all hope that the weather is kind to us.


We hope that our three new children feel as happy as we do that they have joined us. It can be daunting joining a class of children who are already settled and familiar with the Nursery environment and rules but these children have taken it in their stride. Thank you to all the other boys and girls for making them feel so welcome. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a taste of life in Hecklegirth Nursery.

The Great Outdoors

It won’t be long now until we are back in Nursery after our holiday. Let’s hope we get some warmer weather to enjoy outdoors. We thought that you might like to look back on a few memories from last term in the Nursery garden. As you can see, the children are so inventive with the materials we provide and outdoor play seems to really promote teamwork and those problem-solving skills that we try to encourage. Let’s hope that we get some sunshine to enjoy outdoors next term.

Keep Fit with Primary 6

Primary 6 made such a fantastic job of “Heckie’s Happy Healthy Week” last week and one of the best events for Nursery was the keep fit activity organised by a small group of Primary 6 children.
To help plan their idea, they came to ask staff details about our numbers and what the children would be able to do and would enjoy. They listened well and made notes so that they were sure that their event would be successful. They even came to watch the children doing a music and movement activity to get an idea of what to expect. It was quite clear that their careful planning paid off as they produced a fun, challenging keep fit session which the Nursery children absolutely loved. Stretching, jumping, jogging … you name it, they did it and all to the background of music which added to the event. They had even thought to bring a story to read to the children at the end while they were all given stickers for their efforts.
We say, “Three cheers for Louis, Aiden and Lauren!” for being so kind to think of Nursery children and for planning such a brilliant activity.
Click on the photos then click again to make them bigger.

Firefighters of the Future?

As we continue to learn about jobs in our community, Ian the firefighter kindly visited the morning children last week to talk about his job and about how to stay safe in a fire. The message was very clear to the children to stay low in a fire as they had to crawl under makeshift smoke in the form of a billowing parachute. They also learned about Ian’s equipment, why he needs it and they had good fun trying it out. Some thought it was very heavy to carry but others seemed confident that they would be strong enough to be firefighters and carry all the equipment on their backs. They may have to grow in to the jackets a little but I wonder if we have any firefighters of the future here?
Thank you very much to Ian for his visit. The children learned lots about staying safe in a fire and about your job. We look forward to your visit later this week to talk to the afternoon children.

Visits to the Sorting Office

The sorting office is the next place on our visits to the community: all the children will get the opportunity tomorrow to find out what happens there and what a postal worker does in their job. They are enjoying finding out about lots of different places and jobs in Annan. Lewis’ Granny left a comment last week:

“Lewis certainly looks as if he enjoyed the visit to the Police Station. It’s great to give the children different ways to learn and they all look really happy.”

Those who haven’t visited the police station yet will be going at the end of the week so let’s hope they enjoy it as much the Rainbow morning children did.

Visit to the Police Station

Rainbow morning children’s recent visit to the police station was a fantastic learning experience. PC Leggat showed us round the cells, which seemed to be the highlight for many, as well as the different areas of the police station used for interviews, CCTV and fingerprinting. Some of the children thought it was good fun to close the door on the cell but most agreed that they would not like to sleep there. The police van was very popular and PC Leggat was so patient at letting everyone try out the blue light, the siren and sitting in the back of the van. He even tried to answer tricky questions such as “How do you be good?” which got us all thinking.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on this visit – we appreciate your support. Thank you also to everyone at the police station, especially PC Leggat, for making us feel so welcome. PC Leggat praised the children on their excellent behaviour so well done to you all. The Sunshine morning children and the afternoon children from both rooms can look forward to their visits soon so that’s something to look forward to.

Summer’s Daddy’s Special Visitors

As we are now beginning to learn about our community and the jobs we might do when we grow up, Summer’s Daddy kindly spent a morning last week with the children in both the Rainbow and the Sunshine Rooms, teaching them about his work on a farm.
However, he didn’t come alone but brought a calf and two lambs which were all less than a week old, as well as the Mummy sheep, which were the best teaching resources possible. The children learned so much about what the animals eat, where they stay and how they are looked after. They learned about animal cake, which they were disappointed to find did not have cherries or chocolate, and smelt silage as well as getting plenty opportunities to stroke the animals.
The children also found out lots about the farm from all the fantastic photos Summer’s Daddy brought and left in Nursery for us. These will be very useful to help us to talk about working on a farm, especially with the helpful captions on the back explaining everything.
We want to say a huge thank-you to Summer’s Daddy for taking time to help us in this way. You provided a wonderful experience for the children which they will remember for a long time.

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