Numbers, Letters and Pictures

This week we have been talking about the difference between numbers, letters and pictures. To help us in our learning we went on a hunt around school to see if we could find examples and some children took photos as evidence. As well as the numbers, letter and pictures which had been laid in a trail, there were lots of other examples on our journey. We found numbers on P3’s brilliant rocket that was outside their classroom and letters on the mat at the school entrance. There were numbers on lunch boxes and display boards provided lots of letters and numbers, sometimes together, for example, “P7”. Hopefully, the children are now more aware of numbers and letters in their environment and will start to spot them when out and about with their families.

Harvest Celebrations

Thank you to all those children and their families who kindly donated to the collection for our Harvest celebration. Some of the children are shown below with their donations. We feel sure that all the food will be much appreciated by those involved with Kate’s Kitchen. Many thanks to Rev. McGougan for delivering our donations and for joining us in Nursery for a Harvest celebration.
We also really appreciated your fantastic support on Monday when you provided a wonderful audience for the children. It was a lovely opportunity for us all to gather together to celebrate Harvest and we hope that you enjoyed the children’s performance as much as they seemed to. One of our aims is to develop ‘confident individuals’ and many of our children showed themselves to be exactly that in their performance. Well done boys and girls!
Click on the photos to make them bigger.

Counting For Callum The Cat

Callum the Cat came to visit Nursery recently as he needed help to count his fish. It was just as well that the boys and girls were good at counting because he had lots of fish to sort into his number buckets. Everyone had to check that we had got it right and we did thumbs up or down to say if we thought the correct number of fish was in each bucket. Keep on practising your counting everyone in case Callum needs more important work done.

Den Making

Den making is becoming popular with the children in the Nursery garden. They are showing good problem solving skills and are working well in teams to make their dens.
Here you can see some children from the Rainbow Room who decided to make a house for the three little pigs so that they could hide from the big bad wolf. As you can see, they had to work as a team to make their frame then persevered well to position the tarpaulin to make their den. When a group of children from the Sunshine Room came to play in the den they turned it into a home for the three bears which is the story they have been focussing on in their room last week.
Problem-solving, teamwork and imaginative play were all developed from a tarpaulin and some wooden poles which just goes to show how enterprising and creative our children are. Well done boys and girls!

Garden Fun

Freya’s Mum has commented on one of our recent photos:

“Freya had a great day in the Nursery garden. Freya is really enjoying all aspects of the nursery and looks forward to going each day.”

Everyone seemed to enjoy digging up the vegetables and it was such a lovely sunny day to spend in the garden. It’s great to hear that Freya’s enjoying Nursery. Thank you for taking time to visit our blog and to make a comment.

Bring A Bear Day

We had some very special visitors to the Sunshine Room one day last week as Miss Murray asked the children to bring in their favourite bears as part of a Listening and Talking activity. The children were excited to tell us about their bears and the bears certainly seemed to enjoy their time in Nursery.
We thought that you would enjoy some of the children’s comments and photos of our special visitors.

Deryn: it’s Gizmo. I got it on holiday.
Ava: it’s George. He’s on the tele’. He stays on my bed.
Logan: Barney sleeps on my bed. We’ve got bunk beds. I like him ’cause he can dance.
William: his name’s Patch because he’s got his name on his collar. He can do flips.
Robbie: I love her. She’s called Sky.
Roxy: I love her ’cause I can cuddle her. She’s called Lucy and she’s got glasses, clothes and a hat.
Fearne: he’s Neville. He sleeps in my bed and plays with me in the morning. He sits on my pillow.
Rebecca: I got it when I was a baby. I cuddle up with it in my bed.

Hecklegirth Harvest

Last week we lifted the last of our vegetables from the raised beds in the garden. This was the result of a super Family Learning project we did last term. Even although some of the children were not involved at the start of this project, they were still very enthusiastic to see which vegetables they could find in the beds. They worked hard to lift potatoes, courgettes, carrots, onions and beetroot and little groups showed great confidence to take their wheelbarrows to show all the older children in school. Mrs. Alexander was also impressed with their harvest when she met them on their travels round the school.
Well done children for all your hard work and thank you to Eileen, our Family Learning Co-ordinator, for her hard work. Those new to Nursery will be hearing about some of Eileen’s activities later this term and we hope that lots of you will join in with your children.

Confident Individuals

We hope that everyone has enjoyed their first week in Nursery. We have certainly had a great week getting to know all the new children and are delighted with the way in which they have settled. Two more parents have posted comments:

“Pleased to see the children appear to be settling well!!!!!!”

“Just to say thanks for a fantastic first week at nursery! My child has really enjoyed it and seems to be settling in well!”

Thank you to all our parents for working with us to ensure a smooth and happy start for the children. One of our aims is for the children to become ‘confident individuals’ and many are certainly showing quiet confidence already. We look forward to seeing you all again next week.

First Days

It has been a lovely start to the new school year, as we get to know our new children and their families as well as welcoming back some familiar faces. We seem to have quite a few children who we remember coming to Nursery as babies and toddlers when their older brothers and sisters were pupils and it’s great to see how they have grown and developed.
The children have now attended a full session for the first time and they all seem to be settling in well. However, if your child takes a little while to feel comfortable, please allow him/her time to take things at their pace: we, as adults, cope with change in different ways and at different rates and children are exactly the same. If you have any concerns about your child, please speak to staff who can offer you advice based on their experiences.
Once we have blog permission slips returned from everyone, we will be able to put more photos and examples of the children’s work here. In the meantime we thought that you would enjoy these photos of the first days in Nursery.
We hope that you will find this a valuable insight into your child’s experience of Nursery and that you will share in the life of the blog by adding a comment.
Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

Graduation Congratulations

Finlay’s family would like to pass on their congratulations to you all on your performance at our recent graduation:

“A big well done to all the boys and girls on their graduation, you all sang and danced beautifully. Good luck to the boys and girls who will be going into P1 after the summer.”

We wish good luck to those moving on to P1 too. We’re sure you’ll have great fun and will continue to be fantastic learners.

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