More Party Fun And Games

The afternoon children got in the party spirit just as much as the morning children and here are the photos that show it. As you can see, they joined in the dancing and games with great enthusiasm and were also lucky enough to get a visit from Santa. As with the photos of the morning children, please click then click again to make the photos clearer.

Music, Games, Dancing and Party Food

There was plenty of music, games, dancing and party food at our Christmas parties which made for a fun time for all. The children had planned their games and helped to make some of the cakes which appeared to go down a treat. It was lovely to see the children from the Rainbow and Sunshine Rooms playing so happily and confidently together. It must have been the children’s super behaviour that brought the arrival of Santa despite his heavy workload at the moment. Thank you Santa – we all really appreciated your visit.

The photos below give you a taste of our morning party. Don’t they look wonderful in their party clothes? Photos of the afternoon party will follow soon.

Super Singers

Thank you to Rebecca’s Mum for her comment on one of the photos of the children’s singing this week:

“They look fair happy, what a good singing they all did”

It was lovely to see them happy and relaxed to perform. We also had great fun at our parties yesterday and hope to get photos up in the next few days for you all to see.

Singing Celebration

As promised, we have some photos of the children as they prepared for our Christmas celebration with their families. We hope that, like us, you were very proud of them all as they behaved and sang so beautifully in front of a big audience. Huge thanks to Rev. McGougan for joining us and to all the family members who helped to make this a special occasion for the children.
Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

Star Performance

Thank you so much to all our families who supported the children today at our Christmas celebration. Carmen’s Mum has left all the boys and girls a lovely comment:

“WOW the concert was great today. Carmen’s Nonna and I really enjoyed it. The children were super. Lovely little singers. Well done to ALL the boys and girls for giving us a star performance. Very well done to all the teachers you all do a great job X”

The children were little stars and we were all very proud of them. We have some photos taken as they got ready to sing and will try to put them up on the blog soon.

Christmas Celebration

We hope that you are looking forward to the children’s Christmas performance tomorrow (17.12.13). After positive feedback from our Harvest celebration, we decided to keep our Christmas celebration informal to encourage the children to enjoy a relaxed and happy performance of the songs they have been learning. Rev. McGougan has kindly agreed to join us again and we are delighted that many parents have indicated that they would like to be part of our celebration.
We thought you might like to see a few photos of the children practising to give you a little taster. We look forward to seeing you all tomorrow.

Pirates of the Rainbow Room

A group of pirates has been very busy in the Rainbow Room this week. An initial interest in drawing treasure maps resulted in us hunting out some pirate outfits and having our own treasure hunt in the Nursery garden. The children had great fun as they tried to follow the map and were very excited when they found the treasure chest which, of course, was marked with an “X”. They then decided for themselves to work in teams to hide the treasure chest and see if the other team of pirates could find it. Treasure maps also started to appear on the Promethean board as well as paper and there was lots of discussion about what kind of treasure we might find.
The Nursery pirates made a visit to Primary 3 to see what they had been learning about pirates. Mrs. Mahon was delighted to get some special visitors and sent them back with some pirate goodies – you can see the number game in one of our photos. She asked if the children could make some treasure for Primary 3’s treasure chest so they set to their task in the craft area and today they duly delivered their treasure to Primary 3.
Well done you pirates of the Rainbow Room – you have certainly shown yourselves to be successful learners and effective contributors with all your fantastic ideas.

Glittering Fireworks

This week we have been talking a lot about Bonfire Night and the children have been experimenting in the art area to make firework pictures. Some were painting on laminate to print and others preferred chalk but nearly everyone was keen to add some glitter to their work. The children have been commenting on each other’s work.

Jayden: I like the stars. The drawing is good.
Amy-Leigh: that’s nice, it’s just like fireworks. I like the stars and the colour.
Dan: I like the glitter.
Simon: the fireworks are sparkling in the sky.
Kailey: I like the stars and the glitter.
Zachary: it’s like they’re banging.
Ava V.: they’ve got sparklers.
Finlay: they look like rockets shooting in the sky.

Hallowe’en Fun

After all our fun with pumpkins, everyone was in the mood for our Hallowe’en parties and we certainly had lots of fun. We dooked for apples, caught marshmallows with our teeth, played lots of games and enjoyed party food together. Thanks to everyone for sending the children in their fantastic outfits which helped them to feel part of the fun. We hope you can get a flavour of the parties from our photos. Click on each photo to make it bigger.
To make a comment please click on “… Comments” under our title “Hallowe’en Fun” above.

Hallowe’en Is Coming

We hope that everyone is enjoying their October holiday. Before you know it, we will be back in Nursery and looking forward to our Hallowe’en parties. As you can see, one or two of the children were getting in the mood on the last day of term as we set up our Hallowe’en houses, ready for our witches to brew up their potions. Enjoy the rest of your holiday boys and girls. We will see you all soon.

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