Dragon Dance

Last week some of the children in the Rainbow Room decided that they wanted to make their own dragon to go on a dragon dance round school. Those who were not under the dragon formed a band to accompany the dragon on his journey.
Here you can see the procession on their way to see Primary 3 and the Primary 1 classes. Primary 3 used our visit to think of “wow” words to describe our dragon dance and had some great ideas. Magical, sparkly, musical, fantastic, ambitious, bright, colourful, super, huge, wow, loud, wonderful and great” were some of the words they used in their descriptions. Thank you Primary 3 for your super work. We have displayed your drawings and “wow” words beside our paintings.

Our Restaurant

Carmen’s Mum enjoyed the recent photo in the Chinese restaurant:

“Aw wow! I love this photo of these three kids. Carmen says Lexi and Ava are her best friends. I asked her what she had in her bowl “she said broccoli mum”. She said she had to ask the boys and girls what they wanted to eat and she had to write it down. Ava took the money after they had eaten. Carmen didn’t tell me they had got dressed up that day, so I’m glad the teachers took photos or I wouldn’t have known.”

The restaurant has been a busy place over the past week with lots of good teamwork happening as the children take turns to write down orders, cook and take the money. Most seem very aware of what happens in a restaurant and have enjoyed taking part in imaginative role play.

Chinese Restaurant

Over the next week or two we will be learning about Chinese New Year. We have begun to talk about what we already know and lots of the children’s comments seemed to centre round food as many have visited local Chinese restaurants. We now have a Chinese restaurant in our role play area in each room and on Friday we tasted some Chinese food. As you can see, some made a good attempt to try using chopsticks while others preferred forks and spoons but most children were confident to try some of the food on offer.

Can We Have Some Thistles Please?

To inspire us in our art and craft area we decided that we wanted to buy some thistles as we had been talking about them as the flower of Scotland. A small group went along to the local flower shop and showed great confidence to ask for the thistles and then pay for them. Lots of children are now creating some lovely thistle paintings so thank you to the children who were such good shoppers.

Scottish Songs

We have another lovely comment to share after the children’s singing performance on Friday:

“We really enjoyed the Children’s singing and Thom was especially pleased to spot his big sister at the front. Well done to all the staff for teaching the pupils all the words, I bet they had the songs in their heads ALL weekend, I know I did!! ;-))”

They are very catchy tunes, it’s true. We thought the children did well to remember them because we had only been learning them for a week.

Kailey’s Family’s Got Talent

Our Scottish celebrations continued this week with a fantastic performance by Kailey’s family. Her Dad kindly brought in his bagpipes to entertain us and both Kailey and her brother showed super skills as they performed several Highland dances to his music. Everyone clapped along and thoroughly enjoyed their wonderful performance. Thank you so much to Kailey, her Dad and her brother Conlay. We really appreciate you performing for us and think that you are a very talented family.

An Entertaining Burns Celebration

Carmen’s Mum has commented how much she enjoyed our Burns celebration:

“First I would like to say very well done to all the children. The singing was great. It was very entertaining. Secondly it was lovely to see the children in Tartan. This was Carmen’s first time wearing a kilt, she loved it.
Lovely photo. I’m going to send a copy of this photo to Carmen’s uncle who lives in Italy. He will show and explain to his sons why we celebrate Burns day, and what a haggis is!! Carmen loved tasting the iron brew. Might have to let the boys taste some Ironbrew when they come over!”

It’s lovely to hear that we’ll be helping Carmen’s family in Italy learn about Burns Day. They could always see the photos here on our blog if they have internet access at home. Maybe they could leave a comment to let us know what they think?

Burns Day

On Friday we enjoyed a great celebration for Burns Day with shortbread, oatcakes and cheese and, of course, our toast with Irn Bru. Some of the children were disappointed that we didn’t have a birthday cake for Robert Burns’ birthday so we will have to keep that in mind for next year.
We appreciate everyone making a super effort to provide the children with ‘a touch o’ tartan’ as it added to the occasion. Thank you also to all the family and friends who came to hear the children sing their Scottish songs. It’s so important for them to have an appreciative audience and you certainly helped to make it a great occasion for them. Thank you, as always, for everyone’s support and lovely comments.
Please click on the photos to make them bigger.

Primary 6 In Nursery

Children from Primary 6 have been coming to Nursery to play with our children since before Christmas and Nursery children have absolutely loved their visits. The older children have learned how to relate to young children and have built good relationships with them to the extent that some are chatting in the garden at school break time even when it’s not a day for visits. It’s also been lovely that we have had some Primary 6 children who have been able to talk to our Polish children in their native language which has added to their experience.
Thank you to all Primary 6 children who are involved in Nursery. We appreciate that you have volunteered to come to play with our children, sometimes in your own break time, and hope that you will continue to visit us. Thank you also to Mrs. Johnston and Miss McAuley for encouraging Primary 6 to take on this important role.

Settling In

After the first week of term, our new children are beginning to settle in to Nursery life. They are learning where everything is, are becoming familiar with the routines and are enjoying trying out a range of activities, as you can see from our photos. We hope that our new families enjoy using our blog to get a feel for life in Hecklegirth Nursery. If you have not yet returned our permission form and would like to appear on the blog, please bring your form to Nursery next week.

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