Buddy Fun

We have had another lovely comment about our buddies from Freya’s family:

“Freya loves when her buddy Tyra comes to visit her in nursery. It’s lovely for mummy & daddy to hear all the stories of the fun times they have together & reassuring Freya will have someone to look out for her in P1. Thank you Tyra “

Freya and Tyra are certainly having fun together in Nursery and the playground. Sounds like Freya will be looking forward to Tyra looking after her when she moves to Primary 1.

Thank You Danielle

After our buddies have had some super positive comments from parents, it’s lovely to see that they too have been looking on our blog. Danielle left this comment:

“Love playing with my buddy and I hope she does too! And also hope to make new friends in the nursery this year!”

Thanks very much Danielle for taking the time to visit the blog. We are sure that your new Nursery friends love seeing you as they look forward to your visits. Keep up the good work!

Brilliant Buddies

We have had another lovely comment about our buddies from Bethany’s family:

Bethany says “I like her name and I like the way she plays with me outside. I like the way she helps me jump.”

Keep up the good work buddies. You are obviously doing a good job of being ‘responsible citizens’ in helping the Nursery children become ‘confident individuals’.

Playground Pals

The children who will be moving on to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth in August have been getting to know their buddies better recently. This week they enjoyed some visits to the playground to help prepare them for the transition to school. Primary 1 very kindly took the children out to the playground when it was empty and then they joined in a playtime with the rest of the school to help build their confidence. On both occasions the children’s buddies looked after them, making sure that they were confident and happy. As you can see from the photos, they even helped them to line up when the bell rang just like they will do in Primary 1.
I think you can see from the smiles on their faces that the relationships between the buddies and the future Primary 1 children are developing very well. Thank you to Primary 1 for looking after Nursery and thank you to all the buddies who did such a brilliant job at looking after their new little friends. The children were very excited about their visits to the playground so hopefully we will be able to arrange more visits soon.

Good Buddies

The children who will go to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth next year are now getting to know their buddies and good relationships are being built up. We feel sure that Jayden’s buddy will be happy to know that he must be doing a good job as Jayden’s Mum left a lovely comment:

“Jayden has been excited about his buddy and enjoys spending time with him which is lovely”

The buddies will be spending more time with the children in the weeks to come and we feel sure that they will all do a good job. Keep up the good work everyone.

Settling In

We hope that our new children have enjoyed their first week in Nursery. They have certainly begun to settle into the routines and are experimenting in lots of different areas. Thank you to all the boys and girls who made them feel welcome and thank you so much to those kind parents who introduced themselves to our new parents to help them settle in to Nursery. As you can see below, some of our new children are looking well settled in Nursery life. Hopefully, they will continue to feature in our blog in the months to come.

Playing Together

Lots of children from P5 and P6/5 took the time on the last day of term to come and play in Nursery. They are building good relationships with our children and it is lovely to see the older and younger children playing so happily together. We look forward to lots of opportunities next term when the older children can join Nursery for various activities.

Sunshine Room’s Tesco Visit

Just like the Rainbow Room, the children from the Sunshine Room thoroughly enjoyed their visit to Tesco last week. They also worked well together in teams and carried out the various activities with enthusiasm. Don’t they look good in the hats that they designed themselves? Thank you again to Tesco for providing the hats and such an informative visit. We really appreciate it.

Nursery Visits Tesco

Shoppers at Tesco might have been surprised to see some very young staff working there last week as Nursery children visited the store to learn about what happens in the shop and behind the scenes. They worked very well in teams to solve the shopping puzzles and had to think hard about finding different numbers of fruit and vegetables in various colours as well as the various cereal boxes on their shopping lists.
The visit to the bakery produced lots of interest, as did the tasting session at the cheese and meat counter, although the walk-in freezer was a bit chilly for some.
All the children’s hard work was rewarded with the chance to finish off their own doughnut by dipping it in sugar then enjoying it along with a welcome glass of juice in the staff canteen.
We would like to say huge thanks to all the staff at Tesco who were so patient and kind. The children thoroughly enjoyed their visit and we all appreciate the time you took to show them round the store. Thank you also to those tolerant staff who had their tea break disturbed in the canteen.
You can see the Rainbow Room children busy with the various activities in the photos below.

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