Nursery Visitor

Our little visitor from Ace playgroup enjoyed his recent visit to see his sister and her friends. His Mum said:

“Aww it looks like Ben was looked after when he visited! He felt like a big boy visiting his sisters nursery. Ben is really looking forward to starting nursery after the holidays, I’m sure he will settle in just fine. He loves to play in the sand tray most of all!”

It was lovely to have Ben and all the other boys and girls from Ace visiting us. It won’t be long before they are the big Nursery children. We are really looking forward to getting to know you all.

Moving On

Carmen’s Mum enjoyed the photo of one of the children visiting from Ace playgroup:

“Lovely photo of Ben and the big girls. Hope they looked after you Ben? The big girls will be getting very excited to go be going into p1.”

It always seems amazing when this time of year comes round and we are getting to know our new children while preparing to say our good-byes to those moving to Primary 1. It is an exciting time for all the children.

Playgroup Visitors

Thank you to the children from Ace playgroup who came to visit us today as part of their transition to Nursery. It was lovely to meet you all and we are looking forward to you coming to us next year. There was a surprise for some of our children when a little brother unexpectedly appeared for a visit but they looked after him very well, showing him round all the different areas of Nursery. Thank you to the staff from Ace for bringing everyone over. We look forward to meeting the rest of the children soon.

Police Station

As promised, we have some photos of the afternoon children when they recently visited the police station. They were just as well behaved as the morning children and made us very proud of them. Thank you again to all the parents who came with us – we really appreciate your help.

Police Station Visit

Recently we were able to take the children to see what the inside of a police station is like and to learn about a police officer’s job. Many of the children tried out the cells and enjoyed using the controls of the CCTV cameras. We also saw the rooms where interviews take place and fingerprints and DNA are taken. The police van, of course, was particularly popular, especially when the children were able to try out the blue light and the siren.
Thank you to all the parents who came with us on our visit and to the police officers for taking time to show us round. We are delighted that they commented on everyone’s super behaviour. Several children thought they would like to be police officers in the future so perhaps we will see them patrolling the streets of Annan in years to come.
Here you can see some of the morning children in action on their visit. We will post photos of the afternoon children soon.

Medals Galore

Thank you so much to everyone who came to cheer on the children today in their Fun Activity event. We felt very proud of them all as they confidently showed off their skills in front of a large audience and hope that you enjoyed the day as much as we did. Those medals and ice lollies were certainly well deserved. Well done boys and girls – today you really were ‘confident individuals’.

Fun Activity Day

The children have been practising their running, jumping and throwing skills to prepare for our Fun Activity session on Tuesday. They have shown good teamwork and had great fun although at times, as you can see from the photos, we have had to have our coats on due to chilly weather. We are looking forward to lots of families cheering the children on as they show you what they can do. Fingers crossed that we get some sunshine on Tuesday.

Moving On

Lots of the children are beginning to talk about the move to Primary 1 and several teachers from different schools will be visiting us in the next few weeks to meet their new pupils. Ava’s family left us a lovely comment about her visit from Mrs.Corrie:

“Ava enjoyed meeting her new Primary 1 teacher and is looking forward to starting at Elmvale, but will miss all her new friends she made at nursery.”

We will miss all the children too when they move on but it’s always great to see how they have grown in confidence and are ready for the next step in their lives.

Special Visitor

Children who will soon move on to Primary 1 at Elmvale Primary enjoyed a lovely visit yesterday from Mrs. Corrie who will be their teacher next year. It was a great opportunity for them to chat to her and show her their “special books”. Mrs. Corrie enjoyed getting to meet the children and, judging by the big smiles on their faces, they were excited to meet her. Thank you Mrs. Corrie for visiting us – it was lovely to see you.

Den Building

The children who are moving to Primary 1 at Hecklegirth next year were back out in the playground with their buddies and the rest of the school today. They seem to growing in confidence and having fun whether they are on the timber trail, playing football or on the number games. The buddies have also still been visiting Nursery on a Friday and we wanted to share this lovely photos of some of the older children making a den with the Nursery children last week. Well done for being such good role models – all the children love your visits, whether they have a buddy or not.
Click on the photo for a clearer view.

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